
Published on December 14th, 2018 | by Admin

Invisible Orchestra

Families are invited to join a giant, digital game of musical chairs at Arts Centre Melbourne from 5 – 13 January, 2019. Invisible Orchestra, by IO in association with Polyglot Theatre, is a free, interactive experience where children and their families use their imagination and bodies to create a symphony of sound using electronic cushions on brightly coloured chairs. The result is a brand new, ever evolving musical symphony composed in the most unconventional and hilarious ways.

Conducted by special guests including Matt Kelly (The Listies) and Tamara Rewse (Polyglot Theatre), audiences create a symphonic masterpiece using their bottoms to shimmy, squash and bop their way around the orchestra. The exciting and playful musical experiment for children, and their adults starts when participants sit down on a series of musical chairs. As they come together as an ensemble, children will discover a surprising and delightful symphony of sound.

“If you’ve never played an instrument before or feel like you can’t then we invite you to GET ON YOUR BUM and give it a go! Who knows what beautiful sounds your butt will make?” says Matt Kelly.

“Secret info: With the flick of one switch, the whole machine can become the world’s biggest fart machine.”

IO are a company excited by mashing together music, technology and people. It’s a collaboration between composer (Andrew Callaghan), a gadget maker (Glen Walton) and a comedian (Matt Kelly) and their resulting works are fun, sonically innovative and technically ingenious.  Invisible Orchestra creates music that celebrates the joyous, chaotic harmony of children at play.

Polyglot Theatre is Australia’s leading creator of interactive and participatory theatre for children and families. Inspired by the artwork, play and ideas of children, the company creates imagined worlds where audiences actively participate in performance through touch, play and encounter. Polyglot’s vision sees children as agents for cultural change which can influence perceptions of place, space and art making.

Invisible Orchestra is recommended for children aged three – 12 and their families. Those attending Wolfgang’s Magical Musical Circus, 2 – 12 January at Arts Centre Melbourne’s Fairfax Studio are encouraged to enjoy Invisible Orchestra before or after seeing the show.

Arts Centre Melbourne’s year-round Families program was launched in August 2009 and has grown in reputation to become a highly respected program nationally and internationally. Featuring intimate and large-scale theatre from some of the world’s most respected companies and a diverse range of interactive workshops, the program is robust and growing in size, scale and scope.

Watch a video about the work here

Arts Centre Melbourne presents
Invisible Orchestra

by IO in association with Polyglot Theatre
5 – 13 January 2019
10am – 1pm & 2pm – 3.30pm
State Theatre Rehearsal Room

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