Introducing the God of War Ragnarök Behind the Scenes series
The story of God of War Ragnarök is not only that of a father and son who must confront the coming tides of war, it is also the story of the individuals who chose to devote their skill, and passion to build this game together in the face of unprecedented uncertainty during a global pandemic.
In the God of War Raganrök Behind the Scenes series, Santa Monica Studio will be taking players to all Nine Realms – from Midgard to Asgard (and perhaps a pit stop along the way). With each episode, players will not only get a unique perspective on the years-long endeavour of creating this title, but also insights from many of the team members who have made this possible.
Starting today, on every Tuesday for the next nine weeks Santa Monica Studios will be diving into one aspect of the game – from shaping the story and elevating combat, to creating the score and crafting cinematics.
The first episode begins much like the story does in Midgard, discussing the key narrative beats from the last game that will come back into play in God of War Ragnarök, as well as how the team approached taking on a sequel that will conclude the Norse saga.
Episodes will be spoiler free! Without further ado, enjoy God of War Ragnarök Behind The Scenes Episode 1: Shaping the Story here!
Tune in each week in the lead-up to launch and beyond to learn more about the making of God of War Ragnarök.
To find out more head to the PlayStation Blog.