Scott Rosenberg Interview - Impulse Gamer Interviews Scott Rosenberg (Cowboys vs. Aliens) - -

Hi Scott, welcome to Impulse Gamer and Australia!

Scott: Thank you! Nice to meet you via email.

How did you become involved in comics?

Scott: I collected comics as a kid, and when I was thirteen, I realized the only way I could keep buying comics was to start selling them, so I started taking a booth at comic book conventions and started a mail order business—but I never thought I’d actually end up working in comics.
What is your love with comics?

Scott: I love the ability to go into multiple worlds. I particularly like the storyline and soap opera elements compared to the fighting dynamic you see a lot. I very much like the tough choices the characters have to make between keeping their identity secret and being a hero, this applies to both the good guys and the bad guys.

Tell us a little about Platinum Studios, especially with your "Macroverse Bible"?

Scott: Platinum Studios controls one of the largest collections of comic book characters that we adapt for all mediums. The Macroverse Bible is a full blown comic universe complete with super heroes and parallel universes.
Why do you think Hollywood is so eager to turn comics into movies?

Scott: Comics really walk the line between books and cinema.  Being able to have great visuals laid out really helps to demonstrate the potential these stories have in coming to life.

In relation to some of the bigger comic companies like Marvel and DC? Why do you think their ideas fail on occasion? Elektra and Green Lantern were not the greatest shakers and movers.  

Scott: It's tricky when dealing with such big properties.  There is a lot at stake and often times there can be so many people involved that it creates a situation where there are simply too many cooks in the kitchen.  That being said Green Lantern was always a favorite of mine growing up, so I am possibly biased but I liked the film, and Elektra has always been an inspiring character.

How did your studio come up with the idea of Cowboys and Aliens? I mean these are two concepts that are totally different but together... that's definitely unexpected.

Scott: "Cowboys & Aliens" dates back to when I was a child and got bored with simply playing cops & robbers and cowboys & Indians. My friends and I used to dress up as various characters, including alien creations, and act out huge battles together incorporating our figurines as well. This was my inspiration for the story.
What was your reaction to hearing that Cowboys and Aliens was being turned into a movie? 

Scott: I was thrilled.  It's incredible to have a game you used to play as a kid brought to life on the silver screen.

How much input did your company have with the movie?

Scott: We were there from beginning to end. I am a believer that there need to be modifications when adapting to a different medium, so we had to alter the story to make it better for film. I am proud of the movie.

Two names... Craig and Ford? You must have been pretty stoked to have two of Hollywood's biggest action movie stars attached to the movie?

Scott: Absolutely!  They're such incredible actors, I couldn't have been happier.
What was your favourite moment in the movie?

Scott: The moment that really got my eyes to swell up was the scene when the town is first attacked by the alien ships. All the ray beams shooting down blowing up the town and aliens being shot out of the sky were all practical. This scene was taken right out of the comic and watching them film it was amazing.

There are rumours on the "net" that a sequel is in the works. Will the House of Dar, the aliens who were plundering the Earth in the original be back? Or are we totally wrong? What can we expect in the sequel? Do you know which stars have agreed to be in the sequel?

Scott: I am unable to comment on the future of the motion picture franchise, but for fans of the original graphic novel there will be some exciting news shortly, stay tuned. There is a certain alien child in the Interactive eBook Cowboys & Aliens: The Kids that may be a clue… hint hint.
Okay... you were also behind Men in Black, are you a believer of aliens?

Scott: I believe that the universe is much too big for there not to be any other forms of life out there.

What other stories from Platinum Studios can we expect to see on the big screen?

Scott: Two of the projects that we are working on under wraps are Atlantis Rising, 10,000 years ago Atlantis sank, but never died, and Ghost Wars, but we can not discuss what this is about. Upcoming projects, include "Unique" at Disney (with "Harry Potter" producer David Heyman); “Vice” (with producer Andrew Lazar and Top Cow Productions, Inc.); a “hybrid” feature film project with Sony Pictures Animation; “Blood Nation” (with producer Alexandra Milchan); and, "Nightfall" (with William Stuart, developer and executive producer of “The Rock”). 
Finally, what can people expect to find as extra on the DVD and Blu-ray release?

Scott: There are conversations with Jon Favreau, some behind the scenes clips, audio commentary, and an extended cut.

Thanks for your time Scott and all the best for the future!

Don't  forget to check out Cowboys vs. Aliens on Blu-ray & DVD, available from all good stores on the 8th of December 2011.



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