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Gamer Russall, the supermind behind Star Wars Burlesque: The Empire
Strips Back at the Vanguard in Sydney Australia... So Russall, you're a
creative director, what inspired you to take this career path?
I always like playing with my action figures when I was a kid. They were quite
over the top scenarios. As I got older I kept playing replacing my action figure
with real people.
Who inspired you the most?
My main inspiration when I was growing up was film and that has continued to
this day. The way I see things on stage or in print has a film imprint all over
What is the most challenging aspect of being a creative director?
Trying to get people to give you money to be creative. Basically I can’t
complain. Most of my job is putting out what is in my head into the world.
Most rewarding?
Seeing something that only
existed in you mind come to realisation.
Tell us why burlesque calls
out to you?
There is a certain energy
that you get a burlesque show. It combines elements of a theatre experience with
the unpredictability of a rock show.
Obviously, you're a HUGE fan of Star Wars which
leads me onto Star Wars Burlesque:
The Empire Strips Back... how on Earth (it's a brilliant idea) did you fine
tune this amazing show?

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
I had the idea years ago. But
a few different overseas people beat me to it. Their shows are very different to
my ideas and I knew the only way I was going to see it was to put my money where
my mouth was.
How did you surpass the US version?
I don’t like saying I surpass
anyone. They have their own take on it. I have mine. The two are very different.
Was it a challenge to
balance risqué and erotica without being overtly sexualised?
As long as you something that
both sexes can enjoy and if you take the sexy part away the shows still stands.
Then you have something.
Are there any wardrobe malfunctions?
Always. But that part of the

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
What do your female
performers think of their characters and the show itself?
Well if they did not know
about Star Wars in the beginning they do know.
Are they fans of Star Wars too?
“Fan” is a strong word. But I
think they could go toe to toe with any fan on facts about the Star Wars
Tell us a little about Twi'Lek?
She is blue and has two tails coming from the back of her head. What else do you
need to know?

Where can
fans see more of Twi'Lek?
You can buy a copy of our

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
Who comes up with the sexy
George Lucas and Me. A lot of lonely nights inspired those outfits.
Have you ever heard back
from Lucasfilm or the real Wookie, George Lucas?
Shhhhh. We don’t talk about that here.

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
Will we see Star Wars Burlesque:
The Empire Strips Back tour Australia again? We believe it's time that you
toured again.
Yes. We are doing national
tour of our brand new show in first half of 2014.
What was the reaction from female Star Wars fans
to the burlesque show?
Pretty good so far. The show
itself is designed to work for everyone. Even non star wars fans.

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
And males or is that
I think they are pretty
content with it.
Who is your favourite character in Star Wars Burlesque:
The Empire Strips Back?
Yoda. You have not lived
until you see Yoda dance.
The premise behind Wookierotica is ingenious... merging 70's inspired Playboy
with Star Wars.
Very cool. How did you come up with the themes for this book?
Well I love that period of
playboy, I just hit me one day that I could marry the two so well.
What's your favourite picture in the book?
I think I had the most fun creating the ads for it. Advertising was such an
important part of the original playboys

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
You've got the Game of
Thrones Burlesque and
even Batman, what other themes will you explore in the future?
Game of Thrones start in a
few months time… after that I think I will finish up with my themed show for

What's the coolest aspect
of being the owner of The Vanguard in Sydney?
Being able to call yourself a
creative director and have no one tell you your full of shit.
Have you had any thoughts of expanding the Vanguard to other states?
Yes. But then the banks says no.
What's next for Russall Beattie and his girls?
Working on the nation and
international tours of Star Wars burlesque, Batman Follies of 1929 and Game of
Thrones burlesque.

CLICK TO ZOOM - Photo D.B. Robinson
Where can fans of Star Wars Burlesque:
The Empire Strips Back and your other burlesque shows
find more information?
Best go to Russall S. Beattie
Presents facebook page at
10 words or less why people visiting Sydney should visit The Vanguard
Booze, boobs, burgers.
Thankyou Mr. Beattie!
For more information on the Vanguard and
Russall's Burlesque shows, check out -