Interview with The Urn creator Patrick

Well readers
here I am with the last of our series of
interviews. They have provided just a taste of the talent that is evident all
over the site, and at the similarly focused IndieGoGo.
To conclude
the series I spoke to
The Urn
creator Patrick Kindlon. The comic focuses on recently released from prison,
outlaw biker Lyle “Sun” Sexton. His ex-wife has died and he’s on a quest for
revenge against the man who did it and on the way he’ll face a lifetime of
unanswered questions and former lives.
As a creator how beneficial is a program like Kickstarter to getting your
project off the ground?
Immensely helpful. The amount of money I’m trying to generate on Kickstarter
isn’t immense -- conceivably I could find other ways to finance my project --
but Kickstarter is giving me the opportunity to tighten my timetable in a
positive way.
2) Do you believe it is now easier to get your project made, through
programs like Kickstarter and the internet?
Absolutely. Ten years ago, people I know personally may have been more apt to
LEND me money because the financial climate wasn’t as sour, but Kickstarter
makes people feel good about GIVING money to a project without trying to INVEST
in it. That’s huge for someone dealing in creative endeavours where promising a
financial return is irresponsible.
3) Does a program like Kickstarter present any problems and
difficulties of its own? For instance what happens if you do not obtain the
funding you require?
If I don’t generate the money I’m hoping to, I’ll be back where I started with
only a loss of the 50 or so days I put my hopes in Kickstarter. I hate wasting
time, but ultimately I’m not risking an incredible amount.
4) How do you decide what rewards to give your backers?
I did my best to balance what I would want if I I was in their position and what
I’m able to give. My hope is I hit a sweet spot where people who were inclined
to give anyway now have that last incentive to push them over the edge.
5) Your looking to fund one issue at the moment but the series like
it will be much longer than that, is that correct?
I’m treating it as a five-issue miniseries. My favorite comic books aren’t
ongoing in the traditional sense and instead use miniseries to tell tight story
arcs. I hope to treat The Urn the same way. The idea is to use the completed
first issue as a pitch to publishers and hopefully find the right fit for this
book. If I can’t find a deal that makes sense for The Urn, I’ll go back to the
drawing board and find a way to self-publish.

6) Sun is essentially a bad guy but he'll be the focus of the story.
What was it like writing a character who is a little more morally ambiguous and
able to bend the rules as the main character? Does it free up the possibilities
for the story?
It’s immensely fun to write characters who don’t do the right thing every time
out. It’s entirely more relatable, for me at least. I don’t often find myself
breaking people’s arms for my bike gang, but I don’t always do the right thing.
7) You state that you'd like to try and do something fresh in the
comic book industry with this book but what else has motivated you to want to
tell this story?
This story was a joy to cook up and I really think that will come across in the
finished product. I’m excited to see it for that reason alone. But as you said,
there is another motivation. I really want to believe that comics aren’t as dead
as industry forecasters lead us think. The only way to find out, in my opinion,
is to create stories accessible to non-comic readers. Direct market sales
figures give us information on the 2,000 stores that encompass it, but so few
people are serviced by those outlets that it doesn’t really tell us the strength
of the MEDIUM and instead tells us the strength of the hobbyist market. People
need to be reminded that comics are literature and can’t be filed away as a
8) From the sounds of it The Urn will feature a lot of converging
storylines. Is it hard to keep track of them, to make sure they come to fruition
Part of the joy of writing a proper revenge story is it doesn’t need to be
unduly complicated, it just needs to speak to the readers’ sense of justice. The
Urn features a number of characters and they all have their own agenda’s but the
focus of the book is intentionally narrow. It’s about a man who feels like he
wasn’t there for the people he loves, and he projects the animosity that fosters
onto another man. The fact that the man he’s blaming is, in fact, guilty,
doesn’t ultimately matter. He’s out there chasing him because it’s easier than
confronting his own failures. Everyone and everything else, no matter how good a
job I do giving them life, are hurdles for him to jump on his way to what he
hopes will be closure.

9) From the description it sounds like The Urn could feature a
little bit of the supernatural given Sun's transportation of The Urn and need to
settle some unresolved issues?
Not supernatural per se, but in a manner of speaking Sun is transporting a ghost
across the continental US. The memory of his wife haunts him and in many ways
she is riding along with him.
10) Finally, what makes The Urn stand out as a project people should
get behind and donate money to?
I’m in love with other members of the team and hope they have the same appeal
for readers, but I think an equally big attraction for potential contributors is
the fact that this is a story worth telling. I love all sorts of comics. I just
appreciate the medium a ton. That said, there are only a few titles that really
thrill me these days and I think for readers like me The Urn has a lot of
potential to rekindle some of that passion for comics we’ve let diminish. |