Welcome to
Impulse Gamer and thanks for being part of our Entertainment Magazine!
How did you meet?
Max: Grindr.
Ivan: Yeah, that
was the name of a comedy night that used to run in London in ’06.
Who is the
funnier comedian?
M: Louis CK.
I: Yeah,
honestly. Check him out.
Where do you get your material from?
M: We draw
material from the world around us – whatever we see, we write down and
incorporate into our work.
I: Luckily we
spend a lot of time at comedy nights, so we see loads of funny stuff, which we
then write down and incorporate into our work. That’s allowed, right?
Before going onto
stage, do you have any rituals that you perform? (e.g. have a cigarette, drink
some wine or something Satanic?)
M: I like to stretch, read a book, and mentally prepare myself.
I: I have a
cigarette, drink some wine and then do something Satanic.
Which country has
the funniest comedians?
M: Believe it
or not, Tonga.
I: Closely
followed by England. Of which Australia is a suburb, I believe. So everyone
What do you look
forward to at the Melbourne Comedy Festival?
M: Checking out
the extraordinary array of brilliantly talented performers.
I: None of
whose shows we actually end up seeing. But the posters look awesome!
Why should visitors
to the Melbourne Comedy Festival see your show? (we do accept bribes)
M: It’s 100%
comedy, and 115% acting.
I: And 500%
sweat. Enticing, enticing sweat.
Have you had any
horrendous experiences on stage?
M: Ivan once
told a person of restricted growth, who was sat in the front row, that they were
short because they had clearly sinned in a past life. That one still haunts me.
I: Right,
look. In fairness, I was very deep ‘in character’ at the time.
How do you wind down
after a show?
M: We check the
‘Comedy-o-Meter’, a small device which reveals how funny we’ve been on a scale
of 1-100.
I: Don’t tell
Max, but it’s just a piece of wood with ‘100’ written on it.
Tell us a joke
about an inappropriate topic?
M: Nothing is
inappropriate for comedy!
M: So I’ve got
this great one about Ivan’s struggle with impotence –
I: Oh, hey,
no, please. Please.
Tell us a joke about
an appropriate topic!
M: Here’s a
joke - $18 for a chicken salad?! What the fuck, Melbourne?
I: That joke
never plays particularly well in London.
What happens when one of your fellow comedians messes
up a gag?
M: They are
immediately forced to return their official ‘comedian’ pass to the relevant
government official, and all their rights and privileges are revoked.
I: It’s very
Is there
punishment involved?
M: Other than
the aforementioned procedure, and a ceremonial tar-and-feathering ritual in
which other performers surround the former comedian and ‘kill’ them, to signify
their shameful downfall, no.
I: Oh, and a
burning of all their notebooks and promotional material.
M: But
generally no.
Apart from
yourselves, who do you want to see at the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2013?
M: A full house
of laughing Melburnians every night – AM I RIGHT GUYS?!?
I: That and
David O’Doherty and the Rubberbandits, just because we’re not convinced Ireland
is a real place.
Which comedian or
comedians would you “break” to get their spot?
M: I’m not
convinced you know how comedy works.
I: Who would
you “break” to get your journalism spot? And why? And how?
M: Have you
killed someone? Is that what you’re trying to tell us?
What does the
future hold for you?
M: From the
looks of things, a happy and long life as citizens of the People’s Global
Democratic Republic of North Korea.
I: We say
‘long life’, but all comedians will clearly be immediately slaughtered. Ah well,
can’t win ‘em all.
Lastly, 10 words
or less why we should see your show?
5 Stars,
Herald Sun!
I: 3 Stars,
the Age!
M: Dude, shut
I: Sorry.
Thanks again and all the best for the Melbourne Comedy Festival for 2013!

Check out Max and Ivan at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival