Linda Le Interview

Model, cosplayer, blogger and
avid gamer Linda Le, also known as Vampy, recently took the time to chat with
Impulse Gamer about some of the things that inspire her. And which dead rock
star she’d bring back to life.
What was your introduction to
I actually didn't know there was such a thing. I was about 12 years old and
wanted to dress up as Paula from EarthBound and I did at my friend’s
birthday party for fun. From then on it snowballed into dressing up as a Silent
Hill nurse at horror conventions and such, and I got someone saying they liked
my "cosplay." Later I figured out it was costume play, and eventually what I was
doing as a fan became a passion.
What is its primary appeal for you? Is it escapism,
fetishist, or simply fun?
The actual appeal for me is
somewhat deeper. I like to figure things out, and also I like to keep busy with
projects. I delve into a lot of comics and games throughout the week and read
tons so I always tend to relate to the characters I'm playing or reading about.
So in a sense it’s like being a diehard fan of a character and channelling that
into making something that I can wear and "become" for a day or in the shoots I
do. Also the artistic aspect of it intrigues me. It keeps me on my feet and the
creativity flowing, which I thrive on.

How did you get your start
in modelling?
I actually didn't think I was ever going to model, but now I do love it. The
majority of the ideas that I originally wanted to shoot were pretty extreme, in
the sense no one around me wanted to shoot them. So it first was just using
myself as a platform for artistic expression. So many of my pictures depicted
the movies I watched, or a particular emotion or style I wanted to capture. I
don't know if they were sexy/cute or not, but they were definitely fun to make
with my friends around me. So it snowballed into full time, and here I am :)
What do you enjoy the most about modelling/cosplay?
I do enjoy interacting with the creative process, and it keeps me thinking. I
also get to meet a lot of other insightful and inspirational people, as well
such as game creators or other cosplayers who have spent years making art or
costumes that inspire me.
Do you enjoy photography yourself, or do you prefer life in front of the
I do like to take pictures of people after I style them, but being in front of
the lens is fun too. Having a last say in the product that goes out is a
priority. In everything I do I am quite meticulous, which can be a downfall
How did the character of Vampy evolve?
Vampy was a nickname people gave me while I was growing up. I was very much into
dark history, books, and the idea of learning about things that were scary or
unknown intrigued me. The added paleness didn’t help! I was also into making my
own story for myself through a fictional character that I thought would be
relatable as well.

If you could meet anyone in
the world who would it be? What would you say to them?
The members of Slayer, to thank them for all the music that inspires me to work
every day and make all the crazy looks I do while listening.
What are the video games you remember most fondly from your childhood?
There is ONE in particular, and I can say it changed my life: Mother 2 (EarthBound).
So far, I have played that game over 30 times, and I have never gotten sick of
it. It definitely impacted me in that I never looked at a RPG game the same way
again. The characters and the quirky things they would say, absurd even, were
way ahead of their time. Altogether it’s a perfectly formulated game that struck
me as unique and surprisingly timeless. I still can’t hold down how huge a
fangirl I am of EarthBound.
If you could be any video game character, who would you be?
I would be the queen of the night of course, Morrigan Aensland of
Darkstalkers. Her wickedly sexy giggle and succubus chic aura is right up my
What’s your nerdiest possession?
Oh, now that's a hard one. I would have to say my mint condition EarthBound
strategy guide.
What are your best and worst traits?
I do have an addiction to everything I do and sometimes – ok, well, all the time
– it inhibits me from going out. I am active but it’s usually doing something
like moshing around listening to metal really loud. I also like to turn down the
sound while watching TV and narrate the dialogue people are saying to each
other, making it quite rude and obnoxious because it’s just FUNNY! Try it,
trust me it’s fun. I can’t really say what my best traits are, that's for you to

If you could bring a dead
rock star back to life, who would it be?
Jimi Hendrix of course! Perfection! His voice was intense and his guitar style
was impactful and unique, often imitated and still kicks everyone’s ass!
What’s on your nightstand?
A stack of mangas: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Lone Wolf and Cub
by Kazuo Koike, Blade of the Immortal and Sky Doll by Barbucci
Canepa. Also some National Geographic mags, Rei Ayanami and Asuka
figures, and my reading glasses.
What are your current obsessions?
Well I definitely can’t get enough of the metal band Sodom, and am somewhat
stuck on figuring out how to beat Ikaruga. That game is treacherous. I
also got back into watching Ranma ½ all over again. That series never
gets old! :)
Which upcoming projects are you most excited about?
Well right now I'm excited about designing a couple new characters for a book
I'm working on with another artist. Character design and art direction for a
magazine, and also working on many new cosplays :)
And lastly, what’s your favourite guilty pleasure?
Ice cream of course! <3
