Impulse Gamer Interviews Damien Garvey

Welcome to Impulse Gamer Damien and thanks for
spending some time with us. You've had quite an Illustrious and varied film
career, playing some very memorable characters. Your currently acting in the
excellent TV series Rake, why do you think this TV series has become so
I think that Peter Duncan and Richard Roxburgh had
a very clear vision about what they wanted to do and say with Rake, and they
pushed the envelope quite a bit with the second series, and that was backed up
with top quality writing from Peter and Andrew Knight. So we had great
characters, a top notch cast and a great story that’s broaches some very
relevant issues in a very irreverent manner. All adds up to great fun!
You were also part of Channel Nine's
Underbelly: The Golden Mile in 2010 and played disgraced police officer Graham
"Chook" Fowler. What was it like playing a real person and what research did you
I mainly read
transcripts and watched the news reports from the time. Playing Chook was,
again, great fun, but I also felt a certain level of responsibility as well.
This issue is still very much alive in a lot of the police who were in the force
at time and still provokes very strong emotions amongst them.
Did you ever
meet Fowler?
Nope, never met the
Tell us a little
about Terra Nova and how you became involved in that project?3.
Terra Nova was a
very ambitious and exciting Sci-Fi family drama produced by Steven Spielberg.
The earth in 2149 was basically dying from pollution/ climate change and to
survive, scientists had developed a portal to transport people back in time, 80
million years, to start again on an earth that was pristine, untouched and
unpopulated-except for dinosaurs! I originally auditioned for a one-episode
role, and (luckily for me) they liked what I did enough to ask me back to
audition for the regular role of Tom Boylan.
What was the
most difficult aspect about Terra Nova?
There was nothing
really difficult for me in Tera Nova, it was a really great experience. The size
of the production was enormous, so it took a bit to get used to that but
ultimately you’re still doing the same thing, helping to tell a story. I always
think shoots are more difficult for the crew, and the Terra Nova crew worked
very hard, for very long hours.
enough you played an "Australian" bar keeper in Terra Nova, what did you like
about this character.5.
Yeah, how good was
that? I thought it was very brave of the production to go that way. I remember
going for the second audition and was told to prepare it in both American and
Australian, but when I got to the audition, they didn’t even want to hear the
American, so it was a rare thing, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
It’s a shame
that Terra Nova never got renewed for a second season, were there any plans to
continue the series?
Yep, very
disappointing. Yes it was always intended to be a long running series, and
everyone was quite hopeful that we would get a second season, but the powers
that be decide not can you do?
Tell us a little
about your character in Rake, Cal McGregor?
Cal McGregor is a
career politician who knows how the system works and doesn’t get caught up in
the emotions of politics. He is very goal orientated, confident and doesn’t
suffer fools gladly. He’s got a job to do, and he does it.
What are some of
the challenges playing McGregor?
Cal was so well
written that the only real challenge I had was to match the performance to the
script, and to find his personal life behind the politics.
Did you get any
real-life inspiration from any Attorney-Generals to play Cal McGregor?
Not so much
Attorney-Generals, but politicians in general. Strangely I quite enjoying
watching question time, and there’s a real gaggle of characters in that show.
There’s a bit of Graham Richardson in him.
Just like Terra
Nova, there were some high calibre actors in Rake, what was it like acting with
this amazing cast?
Well it’s one of
the things that you work towards as an actor, to work with the best. The process
actually becomes a lot easier because everyone is there because they are
confident in their ability and very good at their craft, so there’s a lot of
generosity and cheekiness that goes on.
What’s the
funniest thing that has happened on set to you, either in Rake or elsewhere?
Very early in my
career I landed a television role as a police officer, and I had a very
emotional scene, in which I had to put down the sick horse of a friend. I talked
to the horse and tried to explain what I was about to do and that I was sorry,
and then I had to shoot it. I’m a massive animal lover so of course I found it
a very sad scene to do. So I’m with this horse, very emotional, shoot the
horse, and.... cut! The Director jumps up from the camera and excitedly strides
towards me exclaiming, “that was brilliant! absolutely brilliant!” Naturally I
was quite chuffed, I’m smiling, saying thanks, thinking, you know, “I nailed it,
great!”, until he strode straight past me and knelt down next to the horse,
saying “that was brilliant!, just absolutely brilliant!, what a fantastic
horse!” WC Fields might’ve had a point about never working with children and
animals after all.
As an actor,
what do you think your biggest challenge is?
Listening. Not just
to the words, but to the other person.
What happens
when you forget (if ever), your lines?
If I ever forget my
lines, it’s because I’m not focussed, or not listening, basically not doing my
job, I apologise and get my shit together. But I always prepare very
thoroughly, so luckily it doesn’t happen too often.
If you could
play any character, what would your dream role be?
I’d like to play
Walter White from Breaking Bad … but that role is taken, so maybe a morally
dubious, drug addled private eye with a heart of gold, an evangelist with
Can you tell us
what future roles in will be playing on TV or in the movies?
Next on screen will
be Laurie, the Park Ranger, in the upcoming Jonathan Shiff production of Reef
Doctors. I think it screens in January.
Thanks for your time Damien and all the best!

Rake the Complete Second Series is available on Blu-ray & DVD
from the
7th of November 2012 |