Impulse Gamer chats with Masterchef
Australia's Billy Law about food, the judges, chocolate and everything else
in between. Welcome to Impulse Gamer Billy!
You are obviously quite passionate
about food, when did this passion begin?
I grew up around food in Malaysia.
Ask any Malaysian, we all obsessed with food. But when I moved
to Australia in 1996 to further study, that's why I started
cooking for myself and fell in love with it.
How did you make the transition
from Web Designer to chef?
I am not a chef, well not yet.
After 14 years of sitting in front of computer 24/7 resizing web
banners, pixel pushing till 2 or 3am, it simply no a dream job
anymore. I took the risk, left my old life behind and entered
Masterchef. Best decision ever, I haven't looked back since.
Who is your greatest inspiration
when it comes to food?
Mum comes first, always learn mum's
home cooking first before trying something more challenge or
fancy. But I always inspired by Heston Blumenthal with his mind
blowing creativity and put fun into food.
What is the best thing about
Best thing about cooking is you get
to eat good food that's prepared with your own hands, and not
through a machine!
Gary, George and Matt... Who was
the most intimidating Master Chef Judge?
Matt, no doubt about that.
Who was your favourite judge?
I like Gary, he is a good mentor,
always there to help and give advice.
If you could create your own
mystery box for Gary and George, what would it include?
Rabbit, chocolate, anchovies,
mango. That will screw them up!
Has your time on Master Chef helped
you in furthering your career in food?
It opens a lot of doors for me to
further my career in food. A lot of people already know who I am
pre-Masterchef through my food blog, A Table For Two, I guess my
blog is a good background to prove my passion towards food are
genuine and I am not on the TV show just for fame.
Which Celebrity Chef was the most
influential during time in Master Chef?
Marco Pierre-White. To have him
shaking my hand thanking me for a good lunch service serving the
best pork belly was simply the best moment for me during my time
in Masterchef.
Who was the most challenging
Challenging? You mean 'the most
competitive contestant'?
Which contestant did you get along
the best with?
I got along well with Peter, Craig,
Adam, Kumar, Sun, Hayden, Michael and Alana.
Butter? Mana from heaven or a
cholesterol nightmare?
Mana from heaven!

Why do you think people are so wary
of butter?
Because they don't know how to eat
You were named the "dessert king"
in Master Chef, what is favourite dessert?
Anything to do with Chocolate, the
fudge-ier the better!
Check out Billy's recipe for Deadly Chocolate Délice
Can you give our readers your
quickest and easiest dessert to make?
Macerated strawberries with whipped
mascarpone and chocolate sauce, can't go wrong with that
What food do you eat most often?
I still cook and eat mostly Asian
food, Malaysian food to be exact. Old habit, can't change!
How do you spoil someone with food?
Cook his/her favourite dish. Make
sure there is chocolate. :)
What is your favourite take-away
food(s) if you have one?
Fish n Chips. Love them! We have
good fish-n-chip shops here in Central Coast.
If you were stranded on a Desert
Island, what three items would you bring?
A chicken (that can lay eggs), a
spear (I can catch fish), fire
How does Bill relax?
Dinner with friends, road trips or
travels always help. Not really relaxing, but take my mind off
work is all I need really.
Are you a gamer? If so, what games
are you currently playing?
Words with friends, play me:
Seen any good movies lately?
Little white lies. Beautiful movie.
Describe your perfect restaurant...
Can't really tell you because that
will reveal the secrets of my future dessert bar! :)
Why should people bookmark
Because that's where food people
hang out! ;-)
Lastly, what advice would you give
people interested in starting a career in food?
Do it with passion, not for fame or
money. If you love what you are doing, your passion will
translate to plate, fame and money will come your way.
That's what I believe anyway.
Thanks for your time Billy.
Don't forget to check out Billy's Food Blog at
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