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Andreu Lacondeguy talks Where The Trail Ends

The Spanish freerider chats about the movie which will ‘change everything about the sport’

How did you get involved with the project?
The guys at Freeride Entertainment asked me if I’d want to go and do some filming down in Argentina and I was like, ‘Of course’. Why would I turn down an opportunity to go and ride in such an amazing place like that?

Were there any locations you wanted to film at but missed out on?
I was supposed to go to China and Nepal but I was injured so I couldn’t go there. I crashed on both trips I did. In Argentina, I dislocated my shoulder crashing on this big downhill line. Then in Utah, I tried a trick on a jump but I never hit it and I knocked myself out for like 30 minutes.

Has that scared you off coming back for more if there’s a sequel?
No man, there are so many lines I still want to ride and I’ve got to make up for China and Nepal and all the other places that I missed. Hopefully if we do it again I won’t crash so much and miss out again.

This film sees you all riding some really hostile terrain. Do you think you could outdo yourselves if you came back for more?
We did ride in a lot of remote places but there are so many more places still to explore. The zones we were riding in were big but not so big that you couldn’t reach the other side in twenty hours. There are way bigger places we can go to get really lost. I really want to go back to Argentina and explore more because we had some problems with helicopter permits - we only really scratched the surface.

The World Premiere is being held in Las Vegas. Excited?
Oh man, I’m so stoked. I’m flying out the day before to make sure I’ve got lots of time to get ready. I think it's a good idea to hold it in Vegas but it will turn into a bad idea when the sun comes up - we've been working on this for three years so it's gonna be a big party for sure. It’s kinda scary to think that we’ll be watching it so soon. After watching all the teasers, I really think we’re about to witness a film that will change everything about our sport.

Do you really think it will have that much of an impact?
Oh for sure. I think some of the footage will really be a game changer. At the moment, BMX is getting the attention but Where The Trail Ends is something different and it’s going to blow everybody’s mind.

BONUS INTERVIEW: Five questions... On Where The Trail Ends 

Andreu Lacondeguy, Cameron Zink, James Doerfling, Kurtis Sorge and director Jeremy Grant answer a fistful of queries about their new movie 

Andreu Lacondeguy 

What's your favourite part of the movie?

It’s cool to see how different the world and people is... we are going to the craziest places on earth to just ride a bike and film a movie... it’s a cool feeling!

What segment was the most challenging to film?  

I wasn`t there but the hole filming crew and all the riders say that Nepal was the most challenging... the riding is insane but being out there on those conditions make the riding way harder! 

What was your scariest moment?

Trying a double backflip after knocking myself out on the same jump and same trick 20min before. 

What did you get out of the overall experience?  

I learn a lot with it. I would say that it’s been the biggest learning experience!

Would you do it again? I would for sure do it again... 

Cameron Zink 

What's your favourite part of the movie?

China was definitely my favourite part of the movie. I didn't get to go the first trip, but once we started finding a few new zones everything culminated.

That place is the perfect mix of big mountain lines where no work is needed to ride, plus all the drops and harder packed features among it all. The perfect place to ride but incredibly hard to get there and live. 

What segment was the most challenging to film? 

Nepal was the hardest with 4 days to even get to where we wanted to first try to ride, which ended up being horrible. 5 days of traveling to get to a good spot.

My bike was lost and was somehow delivered to me 4 days after we got to Kathmandu by a porter who I never saw; it was just dropped in the middle of a village and waited for me... 

What was your scariest moment?

My scariest moment was my first line in China. I couldn't breathe after crashing, my face started to turn purple and I thought I broke my back and some ribs.

After not being able to catch my breath for over an hour, until some painkillers kicked in and we got to the hospital, I found out I had nothing broken. I took a day off and went on to have some of the best riding of my life in the days following. 

What did you get out of the overall experience?

The harder you suffer; the more you smile 

Would you do it again?

Definitely. Just give me a few months to catch my breath...  

Kurtis Sorge

What's your favourite part of the movie?

Well I have not yet seen the movie... But I trust the boys at Freeride Ent. and I've been holding out to see the movie for the first time in Vegas for the world premier!

What segment was the most challenging to film?

Well I would say all the trips were very challenging but if I had to pick one I would say our trip to Virgin, Utah because not only was it 40 plus degrees out, we were eaten alive by the bugs!

What was your scariest moment?

The scariest moment I had was probably when I crashed in Bug Water, Utah and had to go to the hospital because I thought I had hurt my back pretty bad... no fun.

What did you get out of the overall experience?

I have got more then I could have ever imagined out of this project. I have a seen and ridden places of the world I never thought I would and I got to do it all with a great group of friends! 

Would you do it again?

In a heartbeat!

James Doerfling

What's your favourite part of the movie?

My favourite part of the movie is probably the Fraser river seggy, just knowing that it is right by my hometown gets me fired up.

What segment was the most challenging to film?

I think most of the trips I went on were pretty equal in the sense of going there and having to find and build all your lines in a certain time frame.

What was your scariest moment?

Probably when one of our drivers in china clipped a car on the highway right I front of us.. They weren't going slow either

What did you get out of the overall experience?

The fact that we rode lines all over the world that no one will probably ever ride again is a pretty unreal feeling

Would you do it again?

Hell yeah

Jeremy Grant – director

What's your favourite part of the movie?

We wanted to make sure each segment had its own feel and elements that added to the entire story but the stand out segment for me was Nepal. That trip was so much work and so exhausting that it made the simplest thing seem amazing and I really think that came through in the segment.  

What segment was the most challenging to film?

The most challenging segment would have to be Turpan China in the Gobi desert. There is so much red tape over there and the region we were in was very politically sensitive. We had police following us around and had to show the military our footage to prove we were shooting mountain biking and nothing political. 

What was your scariest moment?

The scariest moments were the crashes in the remote regions away from roads and hospitals. All the riders went for it and with that comes some serious crashes in places where there is no help for miles or even days. There were a lot of trips to the hospital during the project; so many that we actually cut some from the film to make sure the story didn't get repetitive. 

What did you get out of the overall experience?

I got a lot out of this project both personally and as a filmmaker. Personally it was just awesome to get to go to all these amazing locations with such a great crew of people. As a filmmaker it was an incredible opportunity to tell the story of what these guys go though to ride landscapes that have never been ridden.  

Would you do it again?

We are already throwing the idea around for a sequel to WTTE but the scary thing about that will be pushing further than we did with this film. During this project we pushed ourselves as deep as we could into some of the most remote regions we could find and to have to outdo that will be an exciting challenge. We have some pretty good ideas already though. 

Watch the red carpet action live from the premiere online at 1:30pm (AEST) Thursday 20 September and the full movie from 2pm (AEST) at: or check out the video on demand at the same links for 24hrs afterwards. 

You can also Pre-Order the movie at iTunes -



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