Injustice 2 #27 Review (Sins of the Past)
Summary: Injustice 2 #27 revisits Hal Jordan with some truly unexpected results.
Green Justice!
In the Injustice universe, Hal Jordan, one of the most decorated Green Lanterns in history is a hero, however he was a hero who would stop at nothing to ensure that justice was enforced. So when Hal wore the yellow ring of his enemy, he became the catalyst of tearing the Green Lantern Corps in two and in Injustice 2… it is the trial of Hal Jordan. Although the Guardians of the Universe know that without Hal Jordan, this universe may have fallen many times and rather then letting him rot in some cell, he is sentenced to the prison colony of Harring in order to prepare this world for recolonisation.
After his sentencing, the issue picks up with Guy Gardener chastising his former friend on this prison colony while Green Lantern Soranik reminds Hal that he sat by while the planet Mogo was destroyed. To make matters worse, Guy, Soranik and a small group of Green Lanterns are delivering new prisoners to Harring and one of them is none other than Sinestro himself. Soranik and her father Sinestro do share a heated moment about the “death” of her mother and to make maters worse, the colony is forced into lockdown when fellow Green Lantern Tomar-Re is found dead as this planet gets a visit from the Red Lanterns.
I really didn’t know what to expect with Injustice 2 #27, particularly a story revolving around former Green Lantern Hal Jordan but once again Tom Taylor creates a thoroughly compelling issue as nothing seems forced, contrived or cliched. Rather, he creates the unexpected that is backed up by some great dialogue, excellent world building of the Injustice 2 universe and a thoroughly entertaining story from start to finish. Is there no DC character that Tom Taylor can’t write? I’ve said it again and I’ll say it again, this man should be on more mainstream titles and complementing this excellent Green Lantern story is the truly fantastic art of Xermanico who helps bring this blockbuster comic to life!