The Final Say!
| Gameplay 9.0 | Graphics 7.0 | Sound 7.6 | Value 8.5 | The
- reviewed by Andrew B Review Date: 08
April 2003 Review Score: 8.5/10 Distributed By:
EA | | | It
has finally landed on the XBox and it's time for another console
generation to get addicted to one of the most strangest and wackiest
simulations of all time, The Sims! The
Sims is the first strategy game based on "real life"
that has you doing everything from mundane chores such as cleaning
and cooking to inviting friends over and buying luxury items. The
console version goes one step beyond the PC version and contains
quite a few different gaming modes that include six different
multiplayer games, the new and improved "Get a Life"
mode and the original PC version of the game. Before
starting the game, you must create your own avatar or
"Sim" as it's called by the fans and the creators.
Everything must be created about for your Sim such as their
hairstyle, looks, skin colour, clothes, personality and...
ok, I think you get the picture now. The "Get a Life"
gaming mode is basically a cleverly designed tutorial game that
teaches you the basics of The Sims and has you starting off in
your mother's house. Hopefully by moving out of your mother's
house, you will soon become that person that you can only dream of
becoming, a successful and extremely wealthy millionaire. Ok, it's
only a fantasy but it is up to the gamer to make the dreams of
their Sim come true. Although
this may sound all well and good, you must also monitor certain
functions of your Sim. These monitors include your Sims Bladder,
Energy, Fun, Hunger, Hygiene and Room bars that all must be
maintained in order for your Sim to get anywhere in the world. And
yes, I know some of you are asking, if you don't go the toilet,
your Sim will wet themselves! Simply put, the world of The Sims is
unending and there is virtually a plethora of things you can do in
the game, all the spirit of having good fun. The
control system of The Sims does take a little time getting use to,
especially those who are familiar with the PC version. The PC
version used the mouse and keyboard to control your
"Sim" in their world but on the XBox, a controller must
be used and when they replace the mouse, it does get a little
tricky. When I first heard about The Sims being transported into
the world of console gaming, I was a little apprehensive because I
wondered how on earth will you be able to control your characters.
Fortunately, I was pleasantly
surprised and Maxis have done a perfect job of transporting the
controls from the mouse and keyboard to the XBox controller. |
instead of sitting on your computer, you can now sit back in the comfort
of your own couch to play this life simulator. You basically control
your Sim with the analog sticks on your controller while the buttons are
used to give you various attributes and options for your
The Sims isn't the most advanced game on the market but unlike the PC
version, the world of The Sims is now a real 3D environment that is not
just made up of pixels like the PC version. This 3D engine now allows
you to rotate, zoom and do just about anything you like as it's all made
up of polygons. Although the graphics are quite simplistic, there is
quite a bit of detail and leeway with what you can do in the game. Just
about everything in the game has detail, like computers, stereo system
or even strip poker tables. You basically start off with a very Spartan
home with just the bare necessities and as you progress through the
game, you can buy new objects such as a beds, spas, monkey butlers and
even renovate your home. The characters are also made up of polygons and
although they do look a little too "square", it really suits
the atmosphere of this game. The game is also silky smooth on the XBox
version of The Sims, unlike the PC version that use to chug and chop
every now and then.
The Sims won't win any awards for it's Maxis styled soundtrack that is
basically jazz but it does have this happy theme to it. The unfortunate
thing about the music is that it is quite catchy and you might find
yourself humming one of the many tunes that are in the game. One of the
most impressive features about the audio in The Sims is the way the Sims
talk and go about their everyday life. The only way I can explain how
they talk is that they sound like a very high pitched and fast talking
Mr. Bean. Sim talk is extremely amusing, especially if your Sim is
having an argument with a relative, friend or partner as they talk in
various pitches from high to low, depending on the emotion they are
trying to express. Everything in the world of The Sims has sound,
whether its the phone ringing, a knock at the door, the sounds of your
television or the music on the stereo and quite simply put, it is the
sounds of everyday life.
sure The Sims on XBox will find a new breed of addicts and I'm betting
that Maxis will release add-ons for this game. The Sims may not be
everyone's cup of tea because you can't kill people (well, you can...
accidents do happen) in the game and the level of excitement is fairly
mellow but I would highly recommend this game to people who have never
played The Sims or want something completely different. With simplistic
yet colour graphics, amazing sound effects and some relaxing music, The
Sims is the perfect game to play on your couch as you can just sit back
and relax. Check it out!
- Andrew B
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