XBox Reviews:
State of Emergency

State of
Emergency Screenshots

The Final Say! | Gameplay
8.0 | Graphics
8.0 | Sound
7.0 | Value
8.0 |
State of Emergency
reviewed by Ryan Raybould
Review Date: 08 May 2003 Review Score:7.8/10
Not based on an average Distributed By:
Take2 Interactive | | |
State of Emergency is
here with all its downtown attitude and non-stop fighting; thankfully it is
not just another cheap attempt at porting to the Xbox.
State of Emergency Features
- Players 1-4
- Custom Soundtracks
Genre: Third Person Beat Em Up
- Rating: M15+
State of Emergency is driven by a weak storyline, that
is obviously there as an excuse to let the player get straight into belting
people up. The year is 2035 and the Corporation has been working for years
to obtain power of global control. This rise in power resulted in the
democratic process being abolished and any protest against the rise was
liquidated immediately. Now the Freedom group has decided they have had
enough and are challenging the authority of the Corporation. A state of
emergency has been declared.
There are three modes of play throughout the game. These
are Chaos, Revolution and Multiplayer. Chaos mode is basically your quick
arcade blast where you attempt to score as many points in the time limit
allocated. Revolution mode is mission based where the player is rewarded for
completing missions by unlocking new characters and places. This mode closely
follows the storyline. The multiplayer mode allows for up to four players over
split screen. The multiplayer modes that are offered include: Kaos, Last Clone
Standing, Deathmatch and Survivor. All these forms of play allow for
integration of bots, which is a real benefit.
The multi-player part of the game is great fun, and the
inclusion of participating AI bots heightens the value of this game as a
heavyweight multi-player game. The modes of play are fairly standard but are
fun non-the-least due to varied forms of fighting that can occur, from hand to
hand to large gun firing scenes. A slight disappointment was the exclusion of
system link capabilities, restricting the multiplayer to four players only. A
nice touch would also have been to include Xbox Live capabilities, imagine
playing inter-country multi-player bash fests.
The game-play throughout State of Emergency is very fast
paced and full of high-numbered fight scenes. When the player attempts to
combat The Corporations officials it is not unusual for a group of them to run
in and begin pounding you. Points are rewarded for knocking out gangs and
officials that are associated with the Corporation and for destructing any
shops or property. The game feels extremely arcade like in many sections,
which may deter from the long-term value of this game. |
There are five
playable characters to choose from with each character acquiring a
different background and personality. The five players to choose
from are:
Roy McNeil: An angry ex-cop who is against the Corporations
brutal form of enforcement.
Anna Price: A lawyer is fed up with the Corporation for
continually attempting to make her sell out her Freedom clients.
Hector Soldado: An ex-gang member who wants to show the
Corporation that their treatment of innocents is incorrect.
Ricky Trang: An orphan from High School because his parents
were arrested by Corporation Security. He wants revenge.
Eddy Raymonds: Ex- sport star that refused to be involved in
the Corporations match fixing scandals and was jailed as a consequence.
Along with these five playable characters come a vast range
of enemies and a long list of weaponry that can be used to dispose of them in a
stylish fashion. The enemies consist of gangs of mall rats through to the
Corporations members and security. Weaponry that both sides are given to fight
with is a range of handheld weapons, pistols, shotguns, rifles, semi-automatics,
grenade and rocket launchers and the always-present flamethrower.
There are four locations within Capitol City where the game
takes place. These are the City Mall, East Side, Chinatown and Corporation
Central. These worlds all take quite some time to complete thoroughly yet become
rather easy to navigate around after a few minutes. Everything within these
locations is destructible from windows to bins to even the hordes of people that
flood them.
The soundtrack in the game is up to standard, although
sometimes the same sounds were repeated often, such as female screams. Character
interaction is good, with every character taking on a different personality.
The graphics are bright and cartoony which is a refreshing
break from the realistic approach of many of today’s games. I found the
animation to be smooth, unfortunately however I found my character to
occasionally repeat steps on the one spot at the top and bottom of escalators.
All round though the graphics and animation are well done, while still
continuing the arcade touch of the game.
State of Emergency is a good solid game for anyone who is
interested in large-scale fights and having a bit of fun with some mates and can
handle a bit of arcade style here and there. Those people interested in a
motivating epic that you can sit in front of for hours may want to try this one
out first before buying it.
- Ryan
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