The Final Say! | Gameplay 8.4 | Graphics 8.9 | Sound 8.0 | Value 8.1 | Gunvalkyrie - reviewed by Andrew B Review Date: 30 May 2002 Review Score: 8.5/10 Distributed By: GameNation | | | "GUNVALKYRIE is good old-fashioned arcade action with that 'B' grade movie goodness thrown in for some extra fun." Gunvalkyrie is an arcade style action game that is set in an alternate universe. Since the first sighting of Halley's Comet in 1835, mankind has developed some extraordinary advancements in technology. Since then, the British Empire has grown powerful and has now colonized outer space. The year is 1906 and world famous scientist Dr. Hebble Gate who was responsible for the creation of the Gunvalkyrie organization and leader of the Hebble Foundation has gone missing. Speculation and conspiracy theories has risen from his disappearance. To make things worse, contact with Tir na Nog, a colonized planet of the British has been mysteriously terminated. The Imperial Space Force, the Hebble Foundation and Axis Europe have dispatched Gunvalkyrie teams in order to solve this deepening mystery. When you start playing Gunvalkyrie, you have the choice of playing two uniquely different characters. The main character is the gorgeous 22 year old, Irish born Kelly O'Lenmey who is bold, intelligent and adventurous. Kelly's team mate is Saburouta Mishima, a futuristic samurai who's skills in battle is unmatched.Kelly is much more agile and quicker than Saburouta but his weapons can do more damage. The manual recommends that beginners play as Kelly to get a feel for the game and the controls. The game itself starts with a training mission where you are required to learn certain character traits and abilities in order to proceed. The game is similar to a 3D arcade plat-former because you must use a combination of "power" jumps, boosts and running in order to achieve certain goals. Each mission of Gunvalkyrie will give you an objective that you must achieve but during the mission you can find powerups and cash that lets you upgrade your weaponry after each mission. During the game, your characters will be able to access a wide variety of powerful weapons that will help you rip through enemy hoards. |