Dungeons &
Dragons: Heroes

The Final Say!
| Gameplay
7.6 | Graphics
8.2 | Sound
8.2 | Value
8.0 |
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes
- reviewed by Andrew B Review Date: December 2003 Review Score:
7.8/10 Distributed By: Atari Australia | | |
"Four heroes have been summoned in one of the
most epic battles of all time... Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes!"
The Dungeons & Dragons genre returns on the
XBox in Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes that once again thrusts gamers into this
mythical world that has been going strong for over 25 years. Gamers have the choice
of playing one of four "dead" heroes who have been returned to the land of the
living to fight an insidious dark sorcerer. The hero archetypes that are
available include the mischievous Halfling rogue, the powerful human
fighter, the godly dwarven cleric and the lithe like elven wizard. The game
also offers players a choice of difficulty levels that range from extremely
easy to ridiculously difficult and most gamers will be adequately challenged
by the medium setting.
The game starts with a beautiful
pre-rendered CGI cut-scene that tells the tale of our four heroes and how they
vanquished the nefarious sorcerer over 150 years ago. After being brought back by some human
clerics, you find yourself in the ruins of Castle Baele that is basically a
tutorial level and teaches you the basics of the game. Apart from searching
out and destroying the sorcerer, players must also search for crystal shards
that make up their ancestral weapon. Once these pieces have been linked with
their ancestral weapon, they will then be able to wield the most powerful
weapon on Faerun.
The gameplay of Heroes is a fairly standard
stock standard console RPG that is basically a hack and slash with the use of
spells. The characters use the d-pad to attack the enemy with the left analog
stick used to control their character in the gaming environment. As you slowly
progress through the game, you are awarded experience points that can be used
to make your character even more powerful. Weapons, gold and various magic
items are also littered throughout the game in chests and of course freshly
slain monsters. Although Heroes does not offer an in-game save ability, the
game contains a variety of save points littered throughout your game, thus you
don't have to worry too much about not finding a save point.
Graphically, Heroes is a mixed bag that
ranges from amazing to mediocre. Generally, the gaming environments are quite
amazing from the first few levels of the catacombs that really gives the gamer
a depth with bottomless cliffs and hundreds of tunnels that lead to gold and
monsters. The developers have also included a variety of lighting effects from
the way torches reflect on cavern walls to the powerful spells that are at
your beckon call.