XBox Reviews:
Brute Force

The Final Say! | Gameplay
8.0 | Graphics
8.0 | Sound
9.0 | Value
8.5 |
Brute Force
- reviewed by Ryan Raybould Review Date: 01 July 2003 Review Score:
Not based on an average Distributed By:
Microsoft | | |
Brute Force is brutality at it’s fearsome best.
When I first popped this game into the tray of the XBox in
with it went also months of expectations and excitement. The opening sequence
and the initiative of the “Halo-style” menu system did not disappoint. The
graphics of the intro in all their textured glory whet the appetite of what
was to become a classic XBox title.
Brute Force Features
- Players 1- 4
Genre: Third Person Shooter
- System Link
- Rating: M+
Dolby Digital
The basis of the intro to the game (Single Player) is to
inform the player that the initial playable character, Tex, is a member of
a newly formed Unit. The year is 2340 and cloning technologies has taken
off. Selection or recruiting of soldiers has become obsolete. The fate of
the Confederation is in the hands of age-old warriors who have proven they
have what it takes to fight to the death. If they die they are just cloned
straight out to battle another day. These skilled warriors make up the 23rd
Special Forces Unit – Codename: Brute Force.
As the game goes on three more playable characters join the
Unit. The brilliant thing about Brute Force is that you are able to switch
between these four characters seamlessly through an ingenious system. As the
characters are all members of the Unit they stick together, so the player can
either go up front or sit back and sniper at a range. The four playable
characters are: Tex, Brutus, Hawk, Flint and this is the order that they are
Along with the ability to play as four different characters
comes a special ability unique to each character. Pressing the white button on
the XBox controller activates these abilities. The special abilities of the
characters are as follows:
Tex: The ability to use two weapons at once, which is very
handy for slicing through the enemy.
Brutus: The spirit of Vengor – enables Brutus to regenerate
health and see hiding enemies also aids charge attack.
Hawk: Cloaking ability – allows Hawk to sneak up on enemies
and slice them in half with her powerblade.
Flint: Auto-aim sniper on the fly, which allows precision
shots with deadly accuracy while on the move. |
The game is played in the third-person which at times
becomes a little annoying when trying to aim and move at the same time. It
does however allow the designers to show off the awesome graphics possible
through the XBox. This game would have been a treat had it the option to swap
to a first-person mode.
The controls apart from the disturbances caused by the
third-person view are initiative and easy to adapt to. Functions such as
swapping between characters or giving Unit orders is very intelligent and
useable while in the middle of a large fight scene, where stuffing around with
the controller is the difference between winning and losing.
The game also includes heaps of weapons and items and a host
of interesting enemies. The weapons range from standard ballistic weapons such
as a Foley 356 Tact handgun through to snipers and machine guns. There is also
an extraordinary gun which fires razor sharp discs through the air. The game has
many different types of grenades from frags to gas grenades. Items include
medkits, rolling bombs, fruit and briefcases. The six main types of enemies are
the Seer Priests, Mutants, Ferals, Humans, Subversive Militia and Shadoon.
There are many multiplayer options in Brute Force, which is
surprising considering the game is played in the third-person. The game can
handle up to 8 players over system link or up to 4 over split screen. There are
many modes, which includes up to 4 players being able to play through the
campaign mode. Other modes are Deathmatch or Squad deathmatch where the last
warrior standing wins. Brute Force also includes the option of further downloads
off XBox live in the future.
The graphics in Brute Force are exceptional and the level
designs are better than any I have seen for a long time. Shadows, explosions and
other special effects are all incorporated with no impact on the smoothness of
the game. The only fault which I could pick up with the animation throughout the
game was the members of the Seer seemed to hover and float rather than walk.
This may have been deliberate by the developers but it doesn’t quite seem to
The sound quality is brilliant and conversations between
members of the Unit are very unique. The sayings sometimes repeat themselves but
this is due to unit calls and constructed conversations. In film clips the sound
is film-like and a joy to listen to. A lot of praise should go out to the voice
actors. The game also allows for Dolby Digital support in game.
Brute Force is a blast of a game whether it is for a long
session or a quick shoot around with some mates. The quality of the graphics and
presentation crossed with the initiative control system and add to that a
detailed story, you have yourself a winner. Brute Force is destined to become
one of those must have titles on the XBox.
- Ryan
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