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PS2 Reviews: Space Invaders Anniversary


Space Invaders Anniversary screenshots


The Final Say!


(Score based on a 70's retro feel)
Space Invaders Anniversary
- reviewed by Andrew B
Review Date: May 2004
Review Score 7.0/10
Distributed By: Red Ant Enterprises

"The father of all games has returned... Space Invaders!"

Red Ant Enterprises has just released "Space Invaders: Anniversary" on the PlayStation 2 that takes gamers on a magical tour of the true history of gaming. Not only is this disc cluttered with extras but it contains almost every official Space Invader game in existence. Apart from the awesome packaging and a blast from the past, the game also comes with a free metallic key ring to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Space Invaders.

For the uninitiated, Space Invaders was a simple game (not at the time... which was 1978) where the player (or players) had to control a little  pixelated missile turret in order to save the Earth from an invasion of extraterrestrials... or in laymen's terms, space invaders!

Being only six at the time, I can actually still remember playing Space Invaders at the local milk bars and thinking just how damn great this game was. Since then, Space Invaders has been cloned throughout the world and games such as Wing Commander or Battlestar Galactica are actually "based" on this title.

Fortunately for gamers too young enough to remember the early golden age of gaming, Japanese game developers Taito have released 9 different versions of Space Invaders from its first incarnation to its "modern" day counterparts of the 1980's.

To put a spin on things, Taito have also changed the games (if you prefer it) to a 3D version, so you actually feel like you are playing the original tabletop (or stand-up) game. This mode can easily be turned on and off and as a purist like myself, I like playing the game how it was originally intended. Each game on the DVD is generally the same format, control a little defence system and stop the alien invaders from invading Earth.

Apart from playing solo, you can also challenge friends in some exciting two-player action that really takes you down memory lane. The only downside to Space Invaders is that the game pauses ever so slightly when you destroy one of the aliens and unfortunately I cannot remember if the original done this or not.

Graphically, Space Invaders was considered one of the finest achievements of man during the late 70's but when you look at the game today, you almost wonder why you bothered spending 10 cents per game.

The beauty of this disc is that you actually see how gaming improved over the years and you see everything from the Black and White Space Invaders to the totally out there "3D" version with more than 16 colours. 

As with the graphics, the sound and music of the game is extremely retro but purists will get a blast from hearing the original sound and music from the original Space Invaders game.

In conclusion, Space Invaders isn't a game for everyone, especially the new generation of gamers who will like something a little more graphical and entertaining but those that love to wander down memory lane will simply adore this title because this game is almost like owning the original Space Invaders stand-up machine.

9 Game Modes Included for PlayStation

Space Invaders Tabletop: Cellophane version
Space Invaders Tabletop: Monochrome version
Space Invaders Tabletop: Colour version
Space Invaders: Upright version
Space Invaders Part II: Upright version
Space Invaders Part II Tabletop: Colour version
Space Invaders 3D Mode
Space Invaders Versus Mode
Space Invaders Doubles Mode
Retro arcade menu to bring back those memories!
Exclusive concept artwork and lots more from the original Space Invaders.

- Andrew B

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