The Final Say! | Gameplay 9.0 | Graphics 7.5 | Sound 8.0 | Value 8.5 | Rez - reviewed by Andrew B Review Date: 11 February 2002 Review Score: 8.5/10 Distributor: Sony | | | "Rez is a fast-action shooter that takes you deep into the world’s computer network. The “Project K” Network has recently been upgraded to handle the rapid expansion of the information age and the core, known as “Eden,” holds the most advanced artificial intelligence the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, Eden cannot handle the ability to create her own thoughts and buckles under the pressure in an existential breakdown. She is lost deep inside the system, and you’re the only one that can bring her back online, saving the world from utter chaos." Rez is the first game from SEGA that is only available exclusively on the PS2. You play a hacker who has entered cyberspace to search for the lost Eden by destroying viruses that now plague cyberspace. Once your missions are completed and you have rescued Eden from her fate, she can then restore cyberspace to its intended beauty. The game basically involves you flying through cyberspace and destroying viruses by using the controller to lock upon the enemy. As the level moves on, you must find evolution spheres that helps you upgrade your cyberspace avatars. The beauty of Rez is its simplicity and that there has never been a game like this around before. The graphics may look like wireframes but as the game progresses, you travel through different areas of cyberspace and some levels are beautifully rendered. The music is to the key to this game because as the level progresses, the beat of the music also intensifies and you will find yourself bopping along to the beats. As you shoot, you create your own beats and added with the music of the game, you will become very immersed in the world of Rez. Rez is one game worth checking and I applaud SEGA for their originality on this title. Its not a game you are likely to see on any system but in the end it comes down to a game that has been crossed with a shooter and a music jukebox. Check out this exclusive title for the PS2 for some hours of fun. - Andrew B |