Quake III Revolution screenshot |  The Final Say! | Gameplay 9.0 | Graphics 9.0 | Sound 9.0 | Value 9.5 | Quake III Revolution - reviewed by Tory F Review Date: 29 October 2001 Review Score 9/10 Distributed By: Electronic Arts | | | Quake III Revolution is a classic port of the PC title Quake III Arena by id Software to PS2. A first person shooter, it combines a fast paced single player games with beautiful graphics and a multiplayer to die for. Frame rates are solid even when the screen is split with only the slightest hint of picture quality dropping. The single player game is based on a tournament of sorts where you compete for honor against opponents in arenas where an itchy trigger finger could mean your salvation and good hand eye coordination is essential. Quake III Revolution is a must buy in this genre being complemented with a capture the flag option and the ability to have 4 people fragging away via the PS2 Multitap. It never ceases to amaze me how playable this title is and how truly it can be put in your machine time and again and never the same twice. The AI of your computer opponents is staged so you can feel your way through the game and select difficulty. Do yourself a favor and add Quake III Revolution to your PS2 collection today! - Tory F |