The Final Say! | Gameplay 7.9 | Graphics 7.1 | Sound 9.5 | Value 8.0 | Frequency - reviewed by Andrew B Review Date: 16th July 2002 Review Score 8.2/10 Distributed By: Sony | | | "Making music has never been better." Frequency is one of those games that will probably scare quite a few people away because Japanese music games have never been too popular in Australia. Don't let this discourage you though, Frequency has some huge potential in terms of addictive gameplay and beats that will stay in your head for days to come. The main aim of Frequency is to fly down a psychodelic tunnel and create your own music. This tunnel contains the basic elements of music that include a mixture of bass, beats, drums, guitars, vocals, synth and a whole range of other musical attributes. This is where coordination comes into play as you must hit these elements in sequence for you to unlock the music. For instance, once you have successfully unlocked the vocals part of the song, you can then move onto other parts of the song. As a bonus, once you have unlocked all musical elements of the song, a freestyle scratch and axe track appears that lets scratch your own tunes. The main aspect of the game is to make the music sound professional and once you have got a grasp on what everything does, you should be able to make some really cool sounding tunes. Essentially, Frequency is a mini recording studio that lets you create your own tunes, scratch your music, loop various music elements such as vocals or drums and add various music special effects. Frequency also features a wicked multiplayer mode that lets you play against 4 players at once. Rather than working cooperatively, Frequency has thrown various musical "powerups" to sabotage your opponents music. This include freestyler, crippler, neutralizer and bumper. This aspect of the game must be heard, not seen. The graphics of Frequency are different, they are not good nor are they bad, just very different. Graphically speaking, the game is a little similar to Rez but has a more psychodelic look to it. There are eight different gaming environments or "arenas" in the game that is guaranteed to give you some hours of musical fun. All the graphics are made up of polygonal shapes that have a whole range kaleidoscope colours. The music of Frequency is the power behind this strange game and features a wide range of different styles such as trance, hip-hop and industrial rock. Once you have successfully mastered this game, you will be able to create some awesome sounding music that you would be on par of the music you would hear on the radio and at clubs. |