Domination screenshots |    The Final Say! | Gameplay
7.0 | Graphics
7.3 | Sound
8.0 | Value
6.9 |
- reviewed by Tory Favro Review Date: March 2004 Review Score 7.5/10 Distributed By:
Atari | | | "Make sure you're wearing your helmet as this is one hell of
a ride" One thing we don't see enough of
these days is a fresh take on a sport that has been done before.
Downhill Domination is such a title, bring the sport of Downhill
Mountainbike racing to a somewhat different level.
Different? That's
right, there are a number of things that make this title different
from what gamers would be expecting in both the fact that there is
an element of combat in knocking each other off bikes and a grudge
system. Wait a second, didn't we do this in the SSX series? Yes is
the answer, however Downhill Domination is sufficiently different
enough that this can be overlooked and forgiven.
There are a number of
riders to choose from and in fact I thought this part to be the
most annoying part of the game as of course I chose the Aussie,
and to hear the crappy accent and Ockerisms (Aussie Slang) that
came out of her head was enough to really tick me off. So all I
can suggest is maybe stick to whoever the default rider is unless
you are not from Australia and have no idea what we sound like
when we speak, like Incog has clearly shown here.
That's better, rant
out of the way. This game is gorgeous to look at and the level of
detail constantly bombarding you will have gamers very very
pleased indeed. Everything from moss on the sides of boulders down
to detail on the animals who are invariably in your way is
included and provide yet another hazard to the playing field as
you crash and bash your way down the hill.
I'd have to say that
it was fun to have the trick system the way it was too, as you
manipulated your ride through a series of shoulder button presses
that also helped you with your speed. Combat also helps and you
get to pick up powerups as you fly along the track whether this be
in the form of of bottles and sticks, or maybe even a combat move
such as a more aggressive punch or kick. Such moves can also be
taken away from you though so make sure that you don't ride over a
powerup that you don't want, as it negates the one that you are
currently carrying if it is the same class of powerup. There are a number of game
modes to keep this interesting for quite some time as well some
really cool unlockable features that will make it worth your while
sticking with the title for a while such as Mosh Pit, Super Jump,
even more courses for you to fly along. There are in addition to
the characters you can choose from, four real life riders that you
can unlock.. only if you are good enough. Sometimes you might notice in
the game that the physics are a little weird when coming down the
side of a canyon. Your bike can be on an angle that is guaranteed
to crash and you can't correct it. It's usually not the difference
between a win and a loss but I've experienced it being the
difference between first and third. |