PS2 Reviews:
Disney Extreme
Skate Adventure

Extreme Skate Adventure screenshots

The Final Say!
| Gameplay
8.0 | Graphics
8.0 | Sound
6.9 | Value
7.0 |
Disney Extreme Skate
- reviewed
by Tory Favro
Review Score
(not based on an average)
Distributed By: Activision | | |
I was looking
forward to this title for a number of reasons, not the least being
that I am a huge fan of all things Disney and you know that as a
rule, one can expect quality from a Disney product. Sounds like I
am setting you up for disappointment, right? Well you are wrong, I
was highly impressed with the title however there were a few
things that niggled at me when playing the title that I will get
out of the way first.
The advertising in the game was absolutely
ridiculous. For heavens sakes, kids nowadays are overweight as it
is without seeing ads for McDonalds in the game they are playing.
In the Ollieworld level alone I counted about four ads for the
golden arches and when one of the tasks involved actually making
deliveries for the store that is located on the level, I was
actually disgusted.
Then to annoy
me even more, there were the ads for Nokia scattered all over the
place. Considering this title is aimed at our younger market, what
was the point of having this in the game. I know that the game is
made with the Tony Hawk 4 engine (a strong point for the game),
and in that game in the college level, there is a Nokia blimp in
the sky, but having all the billboards scattered about made it
just a tad stupid.
Neversoft and
Disney, please do not repeat this in the future as it soured the
title a lot for me, despite how good the rest of if was.
The game
intros in to a movie of children in real life trying out to be one
of the skaters lucky enough to be digitized into the title, which
was nice to see. A little more could have gone into showing the
process, but the footage was pretty cool and imagine what a buzz
it would have been for the kids who won the competition! Then onto
the main menu where you can choose your skater and the other
options to tweak it somewhat. Anyone buying this title because of
it’s Tony Hawk 4 engine would be best advised to go straight into
the options menu and turn on the pro controls.
the game looks a treat and really takes you into the worlds of the
Disney characters and there is a fair amount of detail including,
not to mention the fact that the title runs as smooth as silk. You
can warp from one level to the next at selected areas where a roll
of film appears as you approach. It’s a novel way to get from one
area to the next but understand that to access some areas it will
be a case of finishing enough tasks to unlock that level.
For youngsters
playing the title, the really cool thing is that it’s so very easy
to get your skater to do some really cool things. |
Unlike Tony Hawk 4
where you would actually have to do some really tricky maneuvering,
Disney’s Skating is simplicity itself to get up to manuals, grinds and
the like. There are only a number of different tricks that can be done
and they are facilitated very easily with a minimum number of buttons to
be pushed. Combos are also included, as are specials.
This is when the
game gets interesting for more experienced players. As I have previously
mentioned, go into the options menu and select the Pro controller setup.
Then I noticed that a lot more button pushes came into play, giving me
what I felt to be a greater amount of control over the game. For those
wanting to rack up the big scores never fear; the revert option is
included in this title allowing you to link those big tricks together
with ease.
The audio from this
game has me absolutely mystified and was in appropriate for the target
audience of this title. I liked all the music and would listen to it by
choice, however would not want my young kids listening to it. There are
a number of negative lyrics, no profanity, but enough that I found
myself shaking my head in wonderment. Considering the amount of punk and
alternate music, I wondered why the heck they didn’t take the brilliant
music from Disney’s library and use it in the game instead. Maybe this
couldn’t be arranged, however that’s not my problem, I just comment as I
see fit.
Possibly the only
other thing to take into account is that if you choose anything other
than the humans to play as, they are going to have different forms of
transport so don’t expect to be riding a skateboard for the whole game.
Of course it will perform exactly like a skateboard, but the actual
appearance is another matter altogether. You’ll be skating with leaves,
shields and all other sorts of items as your mode of transport through
the game.
Rewards are all part
of the fun as well with extra clothes and characters being unlocked as
you complete goals in the career mode. Players can also create their own
characters in the Create a Skater mode using different body part and
facial features.
Disney’s Extreme
Skate Adventure also supports a pretty nifty two player mode in split
screen so the life of the title is extended exponentially as friends
take it upon themselves to compete in this fun game against each other.
In wrapping up this
review, I really liked this game and thought it was a clever addition to
the Disney stable of games. If it hadn’t been for the absolute
bombardment of commercials in Ollieworld this game would have scored
higher than what I eventually awarded the title. With so many
commercials in the game, it almost seems a bit rude that players have
to pay to see them. Maybe next time they could do a game for free that
was crammed with ads all the way through?
any case I digress, Disney’s Extreme Skate Adventure is well worth
playing and is a title that both young and old are going to get a kick
out of.
- Tory Favro