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PS1 Reviews: Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land


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Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land
reviewed by Andrew B Review Date: 7 April 2002
Review Score: 8.5/10 
Distributor: Sony

Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land is the brand new instalment of the Peter Pan mythos and is no way related to the current Disney Movie. Disney Interactive have decided to create a brand new storyline that features exclusive CGI that is only available on the PS1 version of this game.

You play the role of Peter Pan, the boy hero searching the land of Never Land for five hidden pieces of a treasure map that will lead him to glory and riches. However, Peter's arch nemesis, Captain Hook has heard about Peter's plans and devises a hideous plan in order to stop him.

Captain Hook plans to kidnap Peter's friends called the Lost Boys in order to distract him from his main goal. In the meantime, Captain Hook can take his dandy time to find the map and claim the hidden treasures for himself. 

Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land is an awesome side-scrolling platformer where you play the obvious role of Peter Pan. As Peter, you must rescue your friends and retrieve the pieces of the treasure map before the diabolical Captain Hook does. Although this game is aimed at the kids, there are plenty of "hard" puzzles that the more mature gamers will enjoy. 

Throughout the game, you must collect special feathers that are littered throughout Never Land. These feathers are used to purchase items and hints from the Indian Store. Another item that must be found are film reels that lets the player view exclusive CGI clips of Adventures in Never Land . Another feature of the game is that once Peter has defeated a boss, he learns an ability from them, thus giving you more skills
to use throughout the game. 

Controlling Peter is very easy and it can be done via the control pad or the analog stick. The "x" button lets Peter fly while the "square" button allows Peter to attack with his short sword. The learning curve of this game is very low, so you'll be an expert in no time. There are a few stages where you get to play as Tinkerbell which is kinda cute. 

The graphics of Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land are very nice considering just how old the PS1 console is. It does suffer from a little frame-rate drop every now and then but Disney Interactive have done a great job, considering what they have to play with. Some of the environments you play in are extremely colourful, detailed and beautifully designed. The exclusive CGI of the game is brilliant and helps bring the story across very smoothly without relying on in-game graphics. The music in Peter Pan is very soothing and helps give the game a great fun atmosphere not to mention the quality voice acting which some games lack.

Overall, Peter Pan: Adventures in Never Land is a great game for the kids, which will give them hours of enjoyment. The more mature players will find this title a little too easy for their skills but nonetheless, if you are a side-scrolling platform lover, then this game is for you. Recommended!

- Andrew B

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