Quality Manager Database 2000 Features
- Control of documents
- Improvements/non-conformances
- Audits
- Review/meetings
- Human resources
After the software was installed on our test machine, I proceeded to run the program that made me encounter a "user" glitch. The program kept asking me for a user name and password, I presumed that this is where you enter your own details but in actual fact you must enter the user account detail from the manual.

Apart from this small self-caused problem, the interface of Quality Manager Database 2000 is relatively straight forward but is a little more on the complex side. The program itself features an excellent support system that includes a very in-depth user help system, a guided tour, quick reference guide and also free articles, tech tips and FAQs from the official Quality Manager Database 2000 web site.

Quality Manager Database 2000 supports five different programs that include an Internal Audit program, Improvement Request utility, Meeting Scheduler, Document controller and a Human resources section. The internet audit section of the program was extremely comprehensive to use and allows users to plan audits, prepare checklists and even create user-defined queries for immediate reports.
Users that are concerned about various aspects of the business will be pleased to know that the improvement request utility allows you to monitor various issues such as quality and safety that allows you to keep an eye on these results almost immediately. The meeting scheduler allows you input a variety of information that includes meeting type, venue, an agenda list and also the meeting minutes.
The document controller of Quality Manager Database 2000 allows the user to easily track important information and even monitors various windows applications to ensure that you can successfully follow your documents. The document controller also has a 'revision history' function that displays various attributes of the file such as when it was last accessed, when was it changed and who authorised the change.

The human resources section of the database allows users to monitor employee performance reviews, display all your employees, set objectives and it even allows you to track training courses. The beauty of Quality Manager Database 2000 is that all the programs are interfaced into one software package that allows for easy integration with not only the program but also various windows programs.
I would recommend Quality Manager Database 2000 to all business that wish to monitor and control certain aspects of their business. Although the program is extremely user-friendly, certain aspects of the program require some intermediate computer knowledge. Fortunately, the program contains a wonderful training section and an intuitive help system to help novices with any problems that they encounter. This program is strictly for businesses and at a fraction of the cost of many similar programs, Quality Manager Database 2000 is the perfect software compendium for your business.
Andrew B