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PC Kid's Reviews: Jump * Start Animal Adventures (ages 4 & up)

Jump * Start Animal Adventures Screenshots


The Final Say!




Jump * Start Animal Adventures reviewed by Tory Favro
Review Date: 8 August 2002
Review Score: 8.5/10 
Distributor: Vivendi Universal

Jump*Start Animal Adventures will introduce your child to the wonderful world of animals! Guided by the fun-loving characters from the Jump*Start world

Jump*Start Animal Adventures is an action packed fun game that children will truly learn from. Some of the things that children will discover are:

  • Over 40 unique animals in 16 action packed environments

  • Strange but true animal facts

  • 4 exciting habitats around the world

The way the title progresses is that kids travel the world trying to become Animal Experts. Travelling with the characters in the game, you stop at wonderful locations and are presented with a series of challenges at each area.

One of these tasks, and this is the primary focus of the game is to identify and photograph selected animals. Then match the photos. This is done by paying careful attention to the contest sheets that are presented before entering the new domain.

Throughout, strange but true facts about the animals featured are made known to the player, like 'did you know that the North American porcupine's front teeth are orange?'. Weird stuff but kids eat it up.

There are also 16 arcade type games to be played in addition to the educational value of the core pursuit.  These are also accessed by listening to all the information that can be gleaned from the animals onscreen. Some of these informative animals have lively animated segments made around them, whilst others are straight forward and to the point.

Other activities that become available involve directly interacting with the animals. Protecting zebras from the lions in the Savanna, helping elephants and grooming animals will give children a great insight into how animals interact with each other and the environment.

One small detail that impressed me about all the Jump*Start games is that so far in the series, the system requirements have not been too excessive. Here are the requirements for Animal Adventures:

System Requirements (PC)
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Pentium (or equivalent) 233Mhz or faster
- 64MB of RAM
- 12X CD-ROM Drive
- 30MB available on Hard Drive
- 16bit colour
- 640x480 screen resolution
- Windows compatible sound card 

System Requirements (Macintosh)
- PowerMac G3 233Mhz or faster
- OS 8.6, 9.2.1, 10.1.2
- 64MB of RAM
- 16X CD-ROM drive
- 30MB available on hard drive
- 16bit colour
- 640x480 screen

This make the games accessible to more consumers from different walks of life. Not only that but quite often parents only let the kids on the 'older' computer, which this software will quite happily run on. It doesn't use up much room on the hard drive in installation either. I just think this is great as it doesn't alienate consumers with limited resources or finances to buy some quality software for their children.

Graphically the title is very nice to look at and this is yet another trait of the Jump*Start brand. Everything is bright and colourful and practically guaranteed to keep the kid's attention riveted. The ability to take the game outside of the computer is also a bonus as the title gives you the opportunity to make your own stickers that you 'purchase' with the points that your child earns by completing different parts of the game.

Animal Adventures is completed with some fun tunes that will have you humming along with your children as they are entertained by this enchanting program. Another stellar release by our friends at Jump*Start!

- Tory Favro

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