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PC Kid's Reviews: Jump * Start Advanced - 2nd Grade



Jump * Start Advanced - 1st Grade Screenshots

actual in-game screen shots

The Final Say!




Jump * Start Advanced - 1st Grade 
reviewed by Andrew B
Review Date: 7 August 2002
Review Score: 8.9/10 
Distributor: Vivendi Universal

Jump * Start Advanced - 2nd Grade is the next in the series of excellent educational children's software and is aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 8. The Jump * Start series is created by one of the worlds most prestigious children's software companies, Knowledge Adventure and is guaranteed to be fun and educational for your children.

The installation of 2nd Grade is extremely easy and auto-installs on most Windows Operating Systems. Once the game is installed, you are greeted with a number of additional options besides the 2nd Grade game. These options include, a link to www.jumpstart.com, the manual for the game, a preview to the Land Before Time, Exit and a new feature called the Booster Code that gives you access to bonus games, various different gadgets, power-ups and rewards. 

Jump * Start Advanced - 2nd Grade features a wide range of activities that will increase your child's education kills and make them the top of their class. The features of 2nd Grade are;

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Word Structure
  • Compound Words
  • Contractions
  • Parts of Speech
  • Social Sciences
  • Musical Scale
  • Punctuation
  • Vocabulary
  • Digraphs
  • Blends
  • Carry-Over
  • Borrowing
  • Fractions
  • Money 
  • Time
  • & a whole range of additional learning activities and skills

2nd Grade also meets the stringent curriculum of the National Education Standards. As with the other packages in this series, there is also a option for parents that shows their children's educational progress. This feature is ideal for parents and can be used to help their children if necessary.  

Onto the Review...

Before starting the game, your child must type in their name before they can continue and once this is done, they must also choose their guide that will help them through the jump * start universe. These guides include "The Team Leader", "The Reader", "The Musician", "The Scientist", ""The Math Whiz", "The Artist" and "The Athlete". 

An example of the some of the educational games that your child can play is, if you select "The Scientist", then they will learn how to read music and create their own songs. Another game is similar to Frogger where children must move "The Scientist" to the correct answer. If they get stuck, the program will actually help them out and point them in the right direction. For example, children must work out what 150 - 75 is, and if they answer correctly, they are rewarded for their efforts. 

Graphically, 2nd Grade is probably one of the nicest educational games around. There is plenty of animation, thanks to the QuickTime engine and nice colourful and cartoon style characters and environments that will guarantee your child's full attention. The game also takes children on a tour of the world and you will instantly recognise Australia's outback by it's appearance, colours and the animals that appear on the screen.


System Requirements (PC)
- Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Pentium (or equivalent) 233Mhz or faster
- 64MB of RAM
- 12X CD-ROM Drive
- 50MB available on Hard Drive
- 16bit colour
- 640x480 screen resolution
- Windows compatible sound card
System Requirements (Macintosh)
- PowerMac G3 233Mhz or faster
- OS 8.6, 9.2.1, 10.1.2
- 64MB of RAM
- 16X CD-ROM drive
- 50MB available on hard drive
- 16bit colour
- 640x480 screen

Apart from the awesome cartoon style graphics, the sound and music of the game is first class as there's plenty of voices, sounds and music. Every character talk's differently, whether they are female or male and even when you go different countries in the game, those characters talk in accents specific to that country. If you have children aged between 6 - 8 and want to give them a head start at school, than this is the software package for you.  Highly Recommended!

- Andrew B

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