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PC Hardware Reviews: Microsoft Natural MultiMedia Keyboard



The Final Say!





Microsoft Natural MultiMedia Keyboard
 - reviewed by Andrew B
Review Date: 22nd Jan 2003
Review Score: 9/10 
Distributor: Microsoft

The most ergonomic and user friendly keyboard has finally arrived on the PC with the Microsoft Natural MultiMedia keyboard that promises users one of the most ergonomic, natural and enjoyable keyboard experiences that will not only benefit them physically but increase their productivity. 

Features of the Microsoft Natural MultiMedia Keyboard 

  • Programmable Hot Keys
  • Media Center that allows easy access to multimedia applications such as Windows MediaPlayer
  • Enhanced F Keys that allows users to quickly perform common tasks such as print and e-mail
  • F-Lock Key that allows users to switch between standard and enhanced function key commands for more flexibility
  • Log Off Hot Key
  • Sleep Hot Key
  • Ergonomic design for a more natural and comfortable typing experiences

My first reaction to the Microsoft Natural MultiMedia Keyboard was one of wonder and amazement as the keyboard itself is split into three different sections and I wondered how on earth could I use such as a device. As with all Microsoft products, everything is designed for a reason and the reason for the split keyboard system is to allow the user to have a more natural and ergonomic keyboard experience. 

The installation of the keyboard was extremely easy and Windows XP detected the new device immediately without the need for the installation CD. The installation CD is only needed for those with older Windows based operating systems or for users who wish to customize their keyboards with the Natural MultiMedia Keyboard software. 

Once the keyboard was installed (via the PS/2 port), I proceeded to finally use the keyboard and I must say that it was indeed a strange experience. After spending over twenty years using various 101 keyboards, the Natural MultiMedia keyboard feels very strange to use. The primary reason for this is the strange layout of the keyboards but I must confess that after about 30 minutes of using the keyboard (thanks to my touch typing skills), the keyboard felt extremely natural to use. Navigating through various Windows applications such as Word, Excel and Internet Explorer was perfect but every now and then one of my fingers would try to visit another part of the keyboard but this is only due to my inexperience. 

I commend Microsoft for the hotkeys at the top of the keyboard that can be customized to your own preferences. The pre-programmed buttons all open the right folders and programs such as the "My Documents" area or Microsoft Outlook for instance. The only thing missing from the keyboard that I discovered was the lack of a scroll wheel that are sometimes found on other keyboards but it's a small price to pay for such a easy to use keyboard. In order to customize the keyboard, you must install the software that comes with the keyboard but it is extremely easy to use and also lets you change various settings of the keyboard such as speed and hardware settings. One of the most impressive functions of the Natural Keyboard is the built-in CD player buttons that lets you change tracks or even the volume of the songs while the program runs in the background. That is, I could control Windows MediaPlayer without the need to bring the program into the current process which is brilliant.

When it comes to gaming, the Natural MultiMedia keyboard cannot be beaten as everything can now be performed on one side of the keyboard. Another important feature to gamers is that there is no need to worry about hitting the wrong keys because the keyboard is now split into three sections. I tested the keyboard on Medal of Honor Spearhead and I must say that I could really get use to using a keyboard like this. Whenever you play a game, there is always a slight pause to make sure you are placing your fingers on the right key but with the Natural MultiMedia keyboard, these fears are now a thing of the past because of the ergonomic design of the keyboard.

In conclusion, I would recommend the Microsoft Natural MultiMedia keyboard to anyone who uses their computers for long periods of times or for gamers that wish to improve their gaming experience. The keyboard has a stylized yet natural design that will take some time getting use to but after awhile, it will become second nature. Check it out!

- Andrew B

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