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PC Reviews: Battlefield Vietnam


Battlefield Vietnam Screenshots

The Final Say!


Battlefield Vietnam
 - reviewed by Andrew B
Review Date: March 2004
Review Score: 9.3/10 
Distributor: EA

Battlefield Vietnam is the latest instalment from Electronic Arts of one of the most popular online games of the century which is part of the Battlefield series of first person shooters. Unlike the previous games that were based around the turbulent times of World War II, the current incarnation is based during the Vietnam war that gives players the chance to play either the Americans or the Vietnamese.

Once again the development company called Dice have done a brilliant job at recreating one of the most controversial wars of history and have included a variety of authentic weapons, vehicles and locales. Although the gameplay is similar to the previous versions of the Battlefield series, Battlefield Vietnam introduces a variety of new gaming tactics such as the ability to set booby traps or even dropping napalm from the skies with the latest airplane of the era.

Probably one of the most impressive features of the game is flying around in a helicopter (online) with someone acting as pilot and you or your comrades on the guns, raining down hell fire on the enemy below with powerful weaponry. The control system of Battlefield Vietnam is extremely similar to the previous games but the developers have improved the vehicle controls of this current incarnation, therefore flying a plane, jet or helicopter is a hell of a lot easier than it previously was.

There is also a variety of new multiplayer options and although you can play this game as a single-player, I strongly recommend that you give this game a miss if you do not have an internet connection. Battlefield Vietnam is about multiplayer excitement and I would highly recommend this game to all first person shooter lovers, especially if you have a broadband connection or higher, although it should be noted that this game will work fine with a standard 56k modem connection too. The game also contains some authentic missions that include Operation Hastings, Operation Irving, Siege of Khe Sahn and the Ho Chi Minh Trail to name a few of the historical missions that are available.

Graphically, Battlefield Vietnam is a slight improvement over its predecessor and generally consists of a cosmetic value. Dice have also introduced a new technology to the game called pixel shaders that improves texture detail on a variety of surfaces such as metallic objects, skin texture of characters and even the water effects. The detail of the jungles are also quite amazing and actually make you feel like you are walking through a real jungle in northern Vietnam. The only downside of the lush and populated jungles of the Battlefield Vietnam is that you require a fairly high-end computer with the latest generation of graphic cards to totally appreciate this powerful title. Apart from the highly detailed foliage of the game, there is also the token villages and towns that you visit that contains destroyed buildings and of course destroyed weapons of destruction to help totally immerse you into this addictive title.

The musical score of Battlefield Vietnam is straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster that features a plethora of musical treats from various songs of the 1960's (e.g. On the Road Again and Deep Purple's Hush) to the majestic score of the Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. These songs are only available if you are in an American based vehicle but it really helps add to the atmosphere of the game.

The voice acting of the game has also been professionally done, even right down to the authentic propaganda of the North Vietnamese. Unfortunately the Vietnamese voice acting in the game does become a little repetitive, considering that you don't really know what they are say. However, all the sound effects in the game compliment the graphics and gameplay, even down to the real-world sound effects of the M60's to the sounds of shells hitting the jungle floor. The explosions in the game also sound quite phenomenal and I suggest that everyone increases their bass levels to thoroughly enjoy the deadly gun battles and explosions.

In conclusion, Battlefield Vietnam is a worthy successor to the Battlefield series that contains some extremely impressive graphics, perfect gameplay and some of the best multiplayer fun one could have. The unfortunate aspect is that if you have a low-end computer or a slow internet connection, you will not enjoy this game to its true potential. Don't be scared away if you have never played the Battlefield series before because if you're familiar with first person shooters than you will be thoroughly at home with this game. Check it out! Long live the Battlefield!

- Andrew B

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