N-Gage Reviews:
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"The Sorceress and
the Jester have returned and this time they have taken the world of mobile
gaming by surprise!"
Pandemonium is one of
the first generation of games to land on the powerful Nokia N-Gage that has
truly taken mobile phones into the 21st century.
Pandemonium was
originally released on the Sony PlayStation in 1996 that soon followed a PC
release with famed 3DFX support. Although the game wasn't a blockbuster hit of
the time, it was an extremely entertaining game that featured the very sexy &
acrobatic sorceress Nikki and the mischievous jester called Fargus. The story behind
Pandemonium involves a beautiful sorceress named Nikki who is persuaded by a
Jester named Fargus to dabble with some extremely powerful spells.
Unfortunately for the world of Pandemonium, this spells unleashes a variety on
inevitable monsters that threaten the very existence of the world itself and
the only way to prevent this apocalyptic disaster is to venture to a distant
land for a mythical wishing well that will return the world to normal.
Pandemonium is a
traditional "3D" style arcade game that has players running, jumping,
collecting and attacking enemies in a 3D generated gaming environment. Gamers
have the choice of playing two characters, that of Nikki and that of Fargus.
Although both characters play the same storyline and perform similar moves,
each character has a unique method of dispatching enemies. While Nikki defeats
foes with her double jump, Fargus takes out his enemies with his cartwheel
Although Pandemonium can
be played with caution, it is basically a running and jumping game and in
order to enjoy this title thoroughly, you must race along the screen and avoid
the dangers that lurk in the world of Pandemonium. The only downside to the
gameplay of the Pandemonium is the limited sight into the gaming environment
that sometimes does affect what your next move will be. Whether a planned jump
to another ledge or a leap of faith into the unknown.

Graphically, Pandemonium
is almost an exact port of the PSOne version which is an impressive feat in
its own considering how small the game is. The gaming world of
Pandemonium is a true 3D world that is made up of thousands of polygons to
create the realistic three dimensional feel and look to the environments. The
game also contains a variety of different gaming environments from lush green
forests to sun starved deserts and dangerous dark caverns. The N-Gage does a
brilliant job at recreating hundreds of different colours in the game and even
some special effects such as lighting and magic spells.
The characters in the
game also contain a high amount of polygons (for the N-Gage anyway) that move
with human-like fluidity and also perform a variety of movements from jumping,
running, sliding, falling and even a cute little addition of feigning boredom
when the player leaves the game for awhile.The only downside to the
graphics of pandemonium is the strange frame rate of the game that isn't bad
but does look a little strange when compared to other games on the N-Gage. The
developers should also be applauded for their attention of detail in the game
from the small things in the game such as Nikki's clothes or the tiny objects
that are laid throughout the game.
Although Pandemonium
contains no soundtrack per se, the game does contain a variety of different
sound effects from the grunts of Nikki to the strange "duh" sounds of enemies
in the game. The main sound effect in Pandemonium is the extremely annoying
"BOING" sound when your character jumps through the gaming environment. Apart
from that, all the sounds come together perfectly on the N-Gage for that great
"mobile" arcade experience.
Pandemonium also
contains a very interesting yet relatively short multiplayer mode that is
played via the Bluetooth of the Nokia N-Gage. The multiplayer mode is
basically a race between two players of the first few levels of Pandemonium.
Although you don't physically challenge the other player, you can still see
them on your N-Gage as a shadow player. The person with the best time, wins
the game. I must admit, wireless gaming via the Bluetooth is probably one of
the best selling points of the N-Gage and Pandemonium takes full advantage of
this new technology.
In conclusion,
Pandemonium is an extremely entertaining game for the N-Gage that has a very
user-friendly interface, a beautiful graphic engine and hours of entertainment
that will make this game an N-Gage classic. Recommended for all gamers!
- Andrew B
The Final Say!
8.0 |
7.9 |
7.0 |
8.0 | |
reviewed by Andrew B
Review Date: December 2003 Review Score
8.0/10 Distributed By: Nokia |
8.0 |
Copyright �2004 www.impulsegamer.com