They're back! Pokemon are set to blaze
their way onto your GameBoy's once again with another wonderful adventure!
I have always been a fan of the classical Disney and Warner
Brother cartoons and have to admit to being a skeptic of these new age
futuristic cartoons. This game however surprised me with its initiative game
style and fluent animation. As a result I suddenly found myself amazingly
immersed in the world of Pokēmon.
For those of you like me who have no understanding of the
Pokēmon storyline, it goes a little like this: In the world, where the story
is set, live creatures called Pokēmon. Humans and these Pokēmon live and work
together in harmony. However, there are still many mysteries surrounding them
and many humans have dedicated their life to researching them. Your aim
throughout the game is to obtain as much information on the different kinds of
Pokēmon in your Pokēdex as possible and to also defeat Trainers, those who
collect Pokēmon too, and become the best trainer.
Your adventure begins in a region called Hoenn, in a little
town called �Littleroot�. From there you must go about collecting Pokēmon and
building up their experience points, so that you will be competitive against
other trainers. Professor Birch is one of the researchers who have dedicated
his life to the Pokēmon and you must constantly visit him for advice and
The interface of the game is innovative and easily
adaptable after a few minutes of play. The character moves around the land
using the control pad and interacts with Pokēmon and other characters through
the A button. The A button also selects a command such as attack, while B
cancels the attack.
The fight scenes between your Pokēmon and wild Pokēmon or
other trainers are well done. The interface during these scenes is also shows
a lot of initiative on the behalf of the developers. Although, it may appear
slightly complex at the beginning in jumping through tactics, it becomes very
suitable after little time. The fight scenes are conducted in a Role Play
format, which makes it quick and understandable to pick up.
The interaction of the characters throughout the game is
clever, with all the characters having something different to say. In most
cases I found the characters to hint towards what had to be completed next.
This made it much easier to get on with the game and cut out the useless
searching times. There are over 200 different kinds of Pokēmon to be found and
The game also offers 2 on 2 battles, which is where two of
your Pokēmon can fight at once against another trainer, the inclusion of
Pokēmon Contests where you can groom your Pokēmon to be the best of the show
and the ability to connect up with four friends for intense multi-player
battles. |