From Irwin Alan, the director of The Poseidon Adventure, comes…BUM, BUM BUUUM! ‘The Swarm’. With an all-star cast lead by Michael Cain and Richard Chamberlain, this film may have been made quite some time ago (it features Michael Cain in his early thirties) but it’s still pretty good. The story is set in an alternative future rather than as a true story or a horror theme. It deals with the possibility of swarms of African killer bees flying over to the USA, which at that time was an actual threat to US society. The story is based around the Americans’ fear of killer bees, but the story takes the idea one step further: these bees are not standard killer bees but because of their long trip towards America they have become MUTANT bees. Upon hearing this I was excited about the (badly animated) giant bees that I expected to soon appear on-screen (which is usually the defining feature of B grade horror movies of this era). Alas I was disappointed. The bees are just normal, everyday bees that people were just overly scared of. The bees in the movie have not mutated themselves, rather it is their venom that has become especially potent, a mere two to three stings can be fatal. Michael Cain, having been so close to the first bee-related incident (a bit suspicious,) has amazingly been given authorization by the President’s Science Adviser to take control of the situation as he evidently knows the score. Michael Cain has been prepared for this fight for quite some time. He wastes no time and flies in a special team of scientists to fight the menace. With a slow dimwitted hick town nearby to protect, Michael and the scientists must work quickly, to either kill the bees or produce a max vaccine. The story does drag on a little. Just when you think it’s over there’s another scheme to defeat the menace. There are about four attempts to defeat the bees and that’s not including the last one. This is a good movie, despite its age. Not a whole lot in the extras, an overview on the actors, the theatrical trailer and a documentary on the circumstances of the story and of course the ‘special effects’. During the movie there were no low quality scenes and the sound was always of high quality. Very impressed with the movie, expecting to laugh a lot, due to the movies title and my expectation of what type of horror it was going to be like, but none the less it was a very good movie. |