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DVD Reviews: National Lampoon's Class Reunion

The Final Say!

Review Score
Reviewed by Yianni Pak
Review Date: May 2004
Distributed by:
MRA Entertainment
Running Time: 82 Minutes





Hands up who loved Animal House. Everyone? Right. Okay, now hands up who enjoyed the “Vacation” series of movies. Everyone again? Great. So the National Lampoon films are good, right? WRONG! 

Talk about an unnecessary blemish on an otherwise spotless resume! National Lampoon’s Class Reunion is quite offensively bad. It ALMOST falls into the “so bad it’s good” category, but not quite. How this was ever greenlit by any studio is a mystery to me. 

Someone is murdering the former students of Lizzy Borden (ha….ha….sigh) High School at their ten-year reunion. That’s right kids, this is a slasher/comedy. Well, it’s SUPPOSED to be a slasher/comedy. Unfortunately it is neither suspenseful nor amusing, so I guess what it really is is a great steaming pile of number twos presented on a shiny plastic disc. Anyway, it turns out the culprit is one of their former classmates, who is now criminally insane due to a cruel prank played on him during his final year at high school. Time is running out and the body count is mounting. Can the madness be stopped? Who the hell cares? Not me. Or you, if you’ve got any taste. 

In case you haven’t understood what I’m saying, I’ll spell it out: DO NOT WATCH THIS DVD! You have been warned…


The video quality of this disc is pretty crummy. It’s presented in 4:3, and looks fairly dusty. The colours are fairly dull and everything looks, well, OLD. Not particularly impressive in the visual department at all.


Nothing special here either. Audio is pretty tinny and crackly, although I guess the movie was made over 20 years ago so it can’t be expected to be pristine. Basically the audio complements the awful storyline and average video perfectly.


Here’s a tip. SCENE SELECTION IS NOT AN EXTRA!!!!! Get bent, National Lampoon. You have disgraced yourselves.

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