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DVD Reviews: Liquid Pixel 3                                               Genre: Sport: Skateboarding

The Final Say!

Review Score
Reviewed by Tory Favro
Review Date: August 2004
Distributed by:





Liquid Pixel 3 is the work of skater and film maker Morgan Campbell and is a very complete and well put together package. One of the things that I noticed which makes it stand out from a lot of other features I've seen is the simple fact that Morgan has put a lot of time and effort into the production of the disc, other than simply get a stack of shots and chucked some music behind it. You'll shake your head at that, because of course there are guys hitting up spots with music, however there is an overall feeling and flow to the disc that you feel as soon as you start it up. From the animated intro to the unique menu system, it's a production that goes a bit further than a lot of features, even your main feature films, much to its credit. 

Folks should be stoked on the fact that Campbell takes the time to progress the feature in a way that makes you feel as though you are on the trip with them. Especially considering the fact that there is a lot of travelling done in Australia and spots that most viewers should be familiar with are featured. In terms of value for money which might sound stupid when talking about a DVD, this is simply put the best disc that I've ever been lucky to watch in terms of extras on a skate DVD, possibly any DVD that is only a single disc release for that matter. 

I loved the fact that this was so clearly an Australian feature with some Australian hip hop breaking it's way through on the soundtrack front. Viewers will be so stoked with the fact that there is a damn lot of footage of parks to see and chances are that you will know some of them with these guys tearing them apart. The disc is essential viewing and everything about the disc screams out that a lot of work was put into it. From the point you open the disc and read the contents of the slick that give you a break down on some of the animation right through to a detailed description of the extras, you know that you are in for something special. 

The quality of the audio and visual is sweet as well and just adds to an overall incredible package. I really do recommend this disc and give a shout out to Morgan Campbell for an absolutely wonderful DVD. He's now skating from Premium so get behind him as the new deck graphic is sweet as is the board itself. 

DVD the way it should be. Thanks Stomp!

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