Produced by Bryan Brown and voiced by Sam Neill, Leunig Animated brings to
life the work of respected satirist Michael Leunig. His work, though well
known may escape some readers. To refresh you however, he did the
advertisements on television for Reach toothbrushes.
The series aired on SBS a few years ago however the enjoyment I got from it at
that time was nothing compared to watching the disc in it's entirety with each
segment complimenting the next. Whilst it was not necessary to watch them in
any particular order and in a fact one of the special features is to play them
in random order.
so many pieces of work on hand to view, it's possible to have something for
everyone on this disc. There were a number of times that I didn't fully
understand why the skit was included, however acknowledge that it's the nature
of art that we don't always understand or appreciate it.
humour and points that Leunig make often point to the surreal and there is a
touch of sadness behind every skit even the funny ones. Many of the animations
follow the original art to the letter and are truly a wonderful addition or
continuation to Leunig's craft. The score for each segment is wonderfully
composed and would be nice to hear longer and fuller versions of much of the
extras on the disc flesh out the contents further still, making the Leunig DVD
a very well thought out piece of contemporary art in it's own right.
Leunig Animated
- 50 x one minute animated Leunigs
- Awards
- Comparative
Original Michael Leunig cartoons
- Production Notes
Production Stills
- 16:9 Widescreen
5.1 Dolby Digital
- Random Play Option
Animated Menus
- Scene Selection