Heroes of the Storm: Team Reborn to Represent Australia and New Zealand at BlizzCon 2016!
Heroes of the Storm: Team Reborn to Represent Australia and New Zealand at BlizzCon 2016!
Last weekend, the Heroes of the Storm ANZ Season 3 Grand Finals were held at the ESL studio in Sydney, and saw teams Reborn and Negative Synergy battle it out in a best-of-seven tournament. After a series of thrilling twists and turns, Reborn took the trophy and lion’s share of the $16,000 USD local prize pool, and will now move on to represent ANZ at BlizzCon in Anaheim, California this November.
November will see Reborn fighting on the global stage, and eligible to be crowned World Champions, as well as a share of the $1,000,000 USD prize pool! Read all the details about the BlizzCon Esports Opening Week here, as well as streaming times for all of our upcoming events.