
Published on June 9th, 2018 | by Admin

Heard about the SCUF? (hint … controllers)

SCUF produce some of the best custom controllers on the market. Patented paddle control systems, adjustable triggers, interchangeable thumbsticks and Electro-Magnetic Remapping (EMR) Technology and just some of the reason why SCUF should be a considered controller.

Another very interesting fact is that over 90% of pro gamers use SCUF. That’s one pretty impressive stat! But why do Pro Gamers use SCUF?

– They shorten the response time when performing actions
– They allow you to access more activation points on the paddles
– Assist with comfort and fatigue. The ergonomic paddle design limits CLAW grip and reduces hand strain

There is no doubt that the avid gamer would know about SCUF. What they probably don’t know is that these can be purchases locally in Australia (with a local warranty) from Bluemouth Direct. No need to buy from the US website, which will only help your wallet after July.

SCUF Controllers are available for PS4 and Xbox One and are also compatible with PC. Some of the best games to experience the Patented features on are:

  • Call of Duty
  • FIFA – Great timing with the World Cup starting on the 15th of June!
  • Destiny

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