The new accessory
attachments from Kontrol Freek give us a game change up in design
and comfort. The Kontrol Freek FPS Freek CQC Signature Edition is
designed for first person shooters, bringing that control and
precision to close up and personal gaming. So Kontrol Freek sent
over their latest baby the Kontrol Freek FPS CQC Signature Edition.

I am glad they did,
I had not had time to take a look at their newest offerings since
the original Kontrol Freek. Which I did always like, but the
original always felt a little alien to me…being so much more raised
up from the original controller, they gave them a lot of height.
These new ones, Kontrol Freek FPS CQC Signature Edition on the other
hand feel much more natural for lack of better terms and hug the
original thumb stick well and are only slightly more raised.
The design gives these thumb controller accessories a smaller foot
print and actually are more comfortable and feel much more part of
the controller than the original design from Kontrol Freek.

Rather than being
notched inward, the control surfaces are raised a bit and have a bit
of a lip around the parameter. With a laser etched logo on the
control surfaces it feels good under the thumb. I like this newer
design, much more than the raised bumps on the other types.
The raised surfaces feel very comfortable. In many a hectic battles
it felt like my precision level was actually raised ever so
slightly. The main thing for me was that these actually do make the
controller so much more comfortable and provided more grip. That lip
around the heads especially made sure my thumb did not slip off
during some made crazy action during game play.

I tested this out on
Several Call of Duty titles including Black Ops, also Ghost recon
and even my old favorites I still play Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2.
Even Sleeping Dogs was cool to play with these. Not to be limited I
also went ahead and tried it out on games such as The Amazing
Spiderman and I have to say, I felt more control even here….it
was…shall I say it? Amazing. To think such a simple design could be
so awesome. Best of all they play for both teams…. Ummm that sounds
so wrong. But it’s so right. You can connect these to either an Xbox
360 controller or a PS3 controller.

In the end, they are
a nice budget priced accessory that compliment game play, especially
if you are a long marathon gamer. And for this review I took several
days to play the hell out of several games on both systems to get a
feel. The Kontrol Freek FPS CQC Signature Edition will be available
as of August 21st 2012.
Have fun, play
Edwin Millheim