Green Arrow #27 Review
The Hard Travelling Hero story arc continues as Green Arrow (aka Oliver Queen) continues on his road trip across America to stop the Ninth Circle from annihilating the nation. So as Oliver arrives in Washington DC, after a brief chat with the Flash from last issue, our favourite archer comes across Wonder Woman. Needless to say, both characters clash as each has their own sense of justice which makes part 2 of Hard Travelling Hero a fun and interesting read.
Writer Benjamin Percy once again does an excellent job at capturing the essence of who Green Arrow is and although he is not your average superhero, his role in the DCU is equally as important as someone like Superman or Batman, even with his limited powers. Percy does highlight the dichotomy between Green Arrow and Wonder Woman well, however Diana is written a little too clichéd at times. It’s still fun to see the banter between both characters, especially mid-action.
Nonetheless, there’s a couple of twists here and here and I’m really enjoying post-rebirth Green Arrow flourishing again in the DCU. I also like how Percy throws in a hero who you wouldn’t expect Oliver to meet along his travels and although you get the expected token ‘fight’, it all ends well, including a holier than thou speech from Diana. We also learn a little more about the Ninth Circle, including what’s happening back in Star City with Black Canary and I for one am thoroughly enjoying this arc.
Complementing the story is the gorgeous art of Jamal Campbell who has this unique style of art that borders slightly on cartoonish, however it suits the emerald archer from Star City well. Campbell also draws a mighty impressive Wonder Woman as he celebrates the power and femininity of this character with some very dynamic panels. DC is really kicking goals with their creative teams at the moment and Green Arrow #27 is no exception to the rule!
Final Thoughts?
Green Arrow 27 successfully pits Oliver against Diana as he continues his search for Ninth Circle with a level of vigilantism that only he can deliver. Sure, he could probably ask the Justice League to intervene but what fun would that be and I think Oliver knows that as well. All in all, Green Arrow 27 continues building on the Hard Travelling Hero story arc that is getting more and more interesting. Oh… the art of Jamal Campbell is almost worth the purchase alone.
Art by: Jamal Campbell
Cover by: Otto Schmidt
Variant cover by: Esad Ribic
Written by: Benjamin Percy
Series: GREEN ARROW 2016
U.S. Price: 2.99
On Sale Date: Jul 19 2017
Volume/Issue #: 27
Color/B&W: Color
Trim Size: Comic
Page Count: 32