God of War’s Photo Mode available today via free update
Sony Interactive Entertainment Australia is excited to announce that Santa Monica Studio’s PS4 exclusive God of War received a Photo Mode update today.
The wait is over! The new in-game mode is available today as part of the free update and will allow players to make their gameplay screenshots even more beautiful.
With player choice being such a central theme to the creation God of War, fans can now capture and customise their own images of the beautifully crafted environments and characters in the game.
Santa Monica Studio took to the PlayStation Blog to share the news, saying: “While you’ve been busy enjoying the game, we’ve been hard at work preparing Photo Mode for prime time. And the wait is over! With the Photo mode patch, which will be rolling out later today, you’ll be able to jump into the director’s chair and experience God of War through the lens of your own camera.”
God of War has seen incredible sales success with over 3.1 million copies sold in the just the first three days from its exclusive PS4 launch, making it the fastest-selling first party title on PS4.