
Published on February 10th, 2023 | by Andrew Bistak

Give glory to Magic’s oldest villains in Phyrexia: All Will Be One

Wizards of the Coast today released Phyrexia: All Will Be One, the latest set for the world’s oldest and best trading card game, Magic: The Gathering. The third instalment to the four-part Phyrexian storyline, Phyrexia: All Will Be One will see players experience the beauty and horror of the Phyrexians as Magic’s oldest, most memorable villains, pursue their plans to take over the multiverse. The set contains 271 cards and is available to play on Arena and tabletop today.

For thousands of years, Phyrexians have sought to dominate other worlds by propagating their viral gift and turning every living thing into a biomechanical horror. Magic’s heroic Planeswalkers have always succeeded in stopping these invasions… until now! Phyrexia’s leader, The Mother of Machines Elesh Norn has developed a way to infiltrate the entire Multiverse, including the corruption of some of Magic’s most iconic and heroic characters.

To celebrate the visceral feel of the Phyrexians, Yokai City Tattoo, a prestigious Melbourne-based tattoo studio, are bringing the insidious Phyrexian corruption to Magic fans…permanently. On February 11th, Yokai City Tattoo are giving Magic: The Gathering fans an opportunity to book an exclusive Phyrexia: All Will Be One inspired tattoo, scoring some one-of-a-kind designs crafted by the studio’s passionate experts. To see the designs, check them out via the official announcement from Wizards of the Coast and on Yokai City Tattoo’s Instagram reveal.

Both Jumpstart and Commander product lines return for Phyrexia: All Will Be One with two Commander decks (one Phyrexian-themed and one themed after the heroic resistance against Phyrexia) and 10 new Jumpstart booster themes being introduced.

Phyrexia: All Will Be One focuses heavily on showcasing the horror of the Phyrexians and the set’s mechanics reflect that. Two new Phyrexian-themed mechanics are Corrupted, which rewards players who have opponents with three or more poison counters, and Oil Counters which show the spread of Phyrexia throughout the planes of the Multiverse. Fan favourite mechanic Proliferate returns with heavy synergy with both set’s new mechanics. Lastly, Poison Counters also make their return via the Toxic mechanic as a way for players to kill their opponents even faster than usual as they turn them to the side of Phyrexia.

To capture the horror of the Phyrexians, the set features several different showcase treatments, all inspired by Japanese body horror. 40 hand-selected cards feature Ichor showcase art, while the 10 Planeswalkers of the set are given a borderless manga-art treatment. Elesh Norn also receives her own special art treatment as the leader of the Phyrexians, with artwork done by popular Japanese manga artist Junji-Ito.


10 full-art basic lands convey the horror of the Phyrexians too with five infected mana symbol full art lands and five panorama full art lands.

Lastly, the 30th anniversary celebrations continue for Magic with four more unique promo cards releasing in WPN stores to celebrate alongside the launch of Phyrexia: All Will Be One.

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Phyrexia: All Will Be One will be available as Draft Boosters, Set Boosters, Collector Boosters, Jumpstart Boosters, Commander decks, Bundles and a special Compleat Bundle edition.

For more information on Phyrexia: All Will Be One, visit Click here to view a trailer for the new set.

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About the Author

When he's not trying to save the world, Andrew enjoys travel (although loathes turbulence), going to the movies, reading and being a dad to his two dogs (and now twins) with his wife.

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