Ghost Adventures Season One DVD Review
Summary: As Ghost Adventures is all about the facts, the guys do capture some strange sounds, voices and even footage that definitely borders on the paranormal. From penitentiaries to mansions and psychiatric hospitals, Ghost Adventure is a thoroughly entertaining TV series that will have you on the edge of your seat, especially with some of the unexplained phenomenon that they face.
Join Zac Bagans and his two colleagues Aaron Goodwin and Nick Groff as they explore a variety of supposedly haunted places in the United States of America (and one in Scotland) in this almost down to Earth reality TV ghost chaser series. Unlike the very large almost military precision Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures is a much smaller family that as a result feels more real and less staged, although I’m sure there are a few moments of hamming it up for the camera.
With that said, the host of Ghost Adventures Zac Bagans never believed in the paranormal but when he came face to face with a ghost, he vowed to capture a spiritual entity on film and as a result Ghost Adventures was born. Season one of Ghost Adventures collects all 8 episodes of season one and is broken down into the following episodes;
Moundsville Penitentiary – Moundsville, WV
Bobby Mackey Music World – Wilder, KY
Houghton Mansion – North Adams, MA
Riddle House – West Palm Beach, FL
Sloss Furnace – Birmingham, AL
Former Psychiatric Hospital – Northern NJ
Edinburgh Vaults – Edinburgh, Scotland
The Old Idaho Penitentiary – Boise, ID
With no big camera crews to accompany the trio, what you see is what you get which really helps relay their emotions across to the viewer. The guys do use the clichéd tricks of the trade such as EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings, night vision and motion detection cameras to attempt to capture something on film. Does it always work? Sometimes and sometimes not.
Zac and his partners in ghost hunting also provoke entities in order to help prove the existence of ghosts and at times, this does backfire with the guys getting quite scared and even running away at times. This never happens on Ghost Hunters! Apart from exploring the various building that they visit, Zac also interviews people to get an overall history with some moving stories to tell such as the former inmate of Moundsville Penitentiary who showed the guys around the jail he called home for 20 years. It was actually quite a moving episode.
As Ghost Adventures is all about the facts, the guys do capture some strange sounds, voices and even footage that definitely borders on the paranormal. From penitentiaries to mansions and psychiatric hospitals, Ghost Adventure is a thoroughly entertaining TV series that will have you on the edge of your seat, especially with some of the unexplained phenomenon that they face. My favourite episode was the former Psychiatric Hospital in New Jersey that was just brimming with bad energy that as a result brought forth a variety of unexplainable evidence that could only be dubbed the paranormal.
Powerful reality TV drama!