
Published on October 11th, 2015 | by Admin

Freya Willia Interview (Equip: Freya)

Tell us how you became involved in cosplay?

I wanted to make a Twilight Princess Zelda costume to wear to a Renaissance fair, I think. I didn’t post things online until a long time after, well into my second remake of that gown.


Who are some of the cosplayers from around the world that you look up too?

Volpin Props, and God Save the Queen Fashions. Others too, but I know them personally, and see how hard they work. They take their craft seriously. Other people I admire for their social media presence and dedication to sharing their knowledge.


What’s been your favourite convention to date?

I liked Katsucon in DC. It wasn’t overcrowded, the hotel was nice, and the costumes were very high quality. I also just like DC.

Costumes… what are some of the inspirations behind picking your next cosplay?

Every now and then I choose a character design based on the looks alone – Jinx, and my Kirin armor – then discover more about the character as I go. But others, I become deeply obsessed with first, and make very involved effort to produce it exactly right. Commander Shepard and Breq are in that category.


Tell us a little about your Mass Effect Shepherd masterpiece?

I love the game. I loved Jane Shepard, her voice, everything made her such a badass. So I wanted to be her. On the Replica Prop Forum you can read my entire build at I deal with a lot of anxiety in my job, and she is a fearless leader. Wearing that armor, and building it as close to form as possible, let me feel it firsthand. I didn’t want to use foam because I wanted it to feel protective and functional. I don’t often wear it, but running and swinging the N7 Valkyrie around is pretty thrilling. I’m very proud of how flexible it is.


What’s been your favourite costume so far?

I’m most fond of Breq, but her costume isn’t quite finished. I just finished reading Ancillary Mercy, and with details about her appearance changing in the last novel, I have new goals. **SPOILER** It will involve vac-forming a mold of one leg, for a close fit prosthetic. One of her legs blew off, so Breq has an Imperator Furiosa quality to her now. I’m also building the Presger gun.

Going back to your first costume and when you first looked in the mirror… what did you think?

Sewing was hard. I had a good eye for fabrics, but not for sewing them appropriately. You need the right sewing foot, interfacing, and ironing to get fabric to behave, and I knew none of that.


Can you walk us through your costume creation?

I sketch a lot before I buy anything. Then, piece by piece, I get the materials I need. I don’t put a price cap on something if I really want it, I save up for it. My goal is authenticity. This is why it takes me years to get one finished.


If you had an unlimited budget, what cosplay would you do and why?

I’d make N7 armor out of actual carbon-fiber or combat grade plastic, pay someone to program my helmet and electronics, and basically upgrade more comfortable shoes. I’d also use materials like Aerogel or carbon nanotubes for props. I’d buy all the equipment you’d need for custom car detailing and basically apply that to costumes.


Besides cosplaying, what else do you get up too?

Crossfit, camping and hiking, eating. Lots of eating.


Lastly, what else does 2015 hold for you?

I’m collaborating with GSTQ on a Hyrule Warriors Zelda costume.

To find out more about Freya, Check out her Official Facebook page at


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