Freshen the home and promote better health with the latest Lightair Air Purifiers
SYDNEY, Australia – 12 April 2016 – LIGHTAIR, a Swedish company specialising in stylish and effective air purification technology, today announced the introduction of its range of air purifiers to the Australian market. The innovative range has no moving parts, no fans and no filters making them a silent, effective and power efficient solution for any space.
Comprised of five models, the Lightair range includes the Signature, Style, Evolution, Evolution Gold and Solution. Each are designed with different scenarios in mind while all share the same clean, attractive design and revolutionary Ion Flow 50 technology, backed by 25 years of research.
The core of the Ion Flow 50 technology is the Ion Generator which generates billions of negatively charged electrons per second which attach themselves to airborne particulates. Indoor air is full of particles that come from people, surroundings and daily activities such as bacteria, viruses, mold, pollen, car exhaust, dust and general pollution. Once these particles have been negatively charged, the next step is to remove them from the air with a positively charged collector.
The collectors on the Lightair range are cylindrical metal plates which constantly generate a positive electrical charge which essentially acts as a large magnet for the negatively charged particles. Over time, as the collector becomes dirty, it can be removed and cleaned with a simple rinse under water. Since the plate is generating an electrical charge each model comes with a protective housing for the collector to avoid any unwanted static discharges.
The benefits of the Lightair air purification method, compared to traditional air purifiers, is that there are no moving parts, no noisy fans and no filters to clean or replace. Adopting a ‘set and forget’ approach, the collector takes advantage of the natural airflow in a room. Since there are no filters, IonFlow 50 is especially effective in removing the smallest particles in the air, which are considered to be the most hazardous to general health. Finally, Lightair purifiers are also completely silent while in operation, each boasting an impressively low 5 dB noise level at all times.
Pricing and Availability Product: Lightair Style, Signature, Surface, Evolution and Solution Availability: Available now from Retailers: Available from Australian Distributors: Achieva Technology Australia