All Marvel Print Titles that include a Redeem Code will now Unlock that Issue’s Digital Copy PLUS an Additional Digital Comic!
Beginning the week of May 3rd, accompanying the release of SECRET EMPIRE #1, all Marvel digital redeem codes, only available within your local comic shop, will unlock a FREE digital copy along with one additional BONUS DIGITAL COMIC on the Marvel Comics app for iOS and Android devices at no extra cost!
“We heard the message loud and clear on Digital same issue codes,” said David Gabriel, SVP Sales & Marketing. “We heard how folks across the world were using them, relying on them, loving them. We are always looking to do what’s best for fans and the comics industry so we’re pleased to make this program even better. Now, print comics readers will receive a code for the issue they purchased, and also an additional bonus comic giving customers even more value for their purchase.”
Fans will be updated weekly with consistent in-print and social messaging so they know what additional BONUS DIGITAL COMICS will be made available along with the FREE DIGIAL COPY that week. Find your local comic shop by visiting and get ready to experience new gateways into the Marvel Universe you may have missed in the past available through the comics you already read. Prepare for the adventure!