
Xbox Series X

Published on November 4th, 2021 | by James Wright

Forza Horizon 5 Review – The Fast & Furiously Good! #XSX

Forza Horizon 5 Review – The Fast & Furiously Good! #XSX James Wright

Summary: Forza Horizon on the XBox Series is indeed the Fast & Furiously Good of open-world racers!


Furiously Good!

Forza Horizon 5 on the Xbox Series X is nothing short of spectacular with flawless gameplay and realistic next-gen graphics that makes it the ultimate racer on any console!


… Oh wait!

You’re here for a review right? Reluctantly swapping the Xbox Series X controller for a keyboard… Damn!

Forza Horizon 5 Review

While I’m not joking on how damn good Forza Horizon 5 is on the XSX, it’s definitely the best instalment of the series and while this is the 12th game in the series, developers PlayGround Games take everything that made Forza great from previous titles and combines it with new features for a true next-gen open world racer that is set in beautiful Mexico.

Graphically, Forza Horizon 5 is a visually amazing game that literally pops with realism on the XSX, incuding the environments where you drive that really celebrate the diversity of Mexico as you race in cities, beaches and even take an archaeological detour (including expeditions) through Mayan culture with foreboding jungles. Best of all, Mexico doesn’t feel flat which does create the sense of elevation, especially with the mountain roads and when matched with the background textures, it really draws you into this world.

Supporting the graphics are stunning lighting and weather effects with Hollywood-like dust storms and reference quality beaches, including the car models that look like they have just driven out of the latest car showrooms. Speaking of cars, there is over 500 available from the stylish to Lotus Evija to the 2021 Ford Bronco and even the DeLorean DMC-12 to name a few of the beasts you may get to drive.

Add in 4K detail at either 30 fps (performance) or 60 fps (quality mode) with HDR and again, Forza Horizon 5 is a visual treat on the XSX and while it is missing ray tracing in the main game, there is an option to explore the vehicles of this title in Forzavista which is your own personal showroom. Needless to say, no matter what mode you choose, there is always a real sense of speed as you race around this virtual world of Mexico and engage with other racers (both real and AI) as you drive these amazing cars.

At its core, Forza Horizon 5 is an open-world racer that not only allows you to race against others but engage in activities to add to the overall enjoyment factor of this title. From street racing to offroad racing, PlayGround Games really give the player an unparalleled amount of choice, including the options of either a motorsports simulator or classic high-speed arcade fun. If you’re a newcomer to racing or a pro, Forza Horizon 5 is definitely a game that can be played by anyone, including a rewind feature for newbies. So whether you’re drifting, performing amazing jumps or even destroying piñatas, this is not your stock standard racer.

Then you have the AI racers or drivatars which mimic real-world drivers and really give you a run for your money. Additionally there is an insane amount distractions going on around you from multiple events and challenges which really make the game a true interactive and dynamic journey. I must admit that the “baja” events are totally enjoyable which are off-road racing but set in the glorious atmosphere of Mexico and driving frantically in the sand dunes provided way too much fun.

Adding to these gameplay modes is the campaign mode that allows you to be part of a story as you meet new people and “level-up” through the story missions which is great if you’re looking for a sense of purpose. Best of all, the controls are perfectly mapped on the Xbox Series X controller and really turns you into Dom Toretto from the Fast & Furious series due to your driving prowess. The game even starts like a Fast & Furious film as cars are launched out of airplanes with parachute before you get your first taste of Forza Horizon 5.

Supporting the gameplay and graphics is the audio from the grunts of the engines, the decent voice acting, a truly kick-ass soundtrack and background ambience which helps build this living breathing open-world racer. Given that, the game is beautifully presented on the Xbox Series X and while a true Triple A title, it’s also one of the best ones of 2021 which will give you endless hours of fun.

Final Thoughts?

Forza Horizon 5 is indeed the FAST & FURIOUSLY good and if you’re looking for a true next-gen racer, it’s finally arrived! And like Dom Toretto, Forza Horizon 5 lets you live your virtual life at a quarter mile at a time.

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