Fortnite World Cup Day Two Recap
The best Fortnite players in the world have converged on New York to compete in the Fortnite World Cup Finals. ANZ is represented across all events. Keep up to date with all of the action from today’s Duos Final, including how ANZ players have performed.
Read more about the Fortnite World Cup.
The best 50 Fortnite Duos teams in the world competed in the Fortnite World Cup Duos Finals. It was an exciting tournament with European pair Nyhrox and Aqua taking home USD$3,000,000 and the trophy. All other competing teams took home USD$100,000 in prize money.
Here’s how our ANZ competitors fared:
hype and serpennt – 18th place
Volx and Parpy – 40th place
CoverH and Twizz – 50th place
Read more about the World Cup Duos Finals.
Fortnite World Cup Solo Finals – 3:00am AEST Monday 29th July |