
Published on November 16th, 2022 | by Alex Novus


Vile Monarch and Ravenscourt are rather pleased to announce that after a lot of hard work, late nights, early mornings, more than a few challenges and an argument on whether Poland or Britain makes the best fruit cakes,  Floodland – the post-catastrophic survival city builder – is now available for purchase on Steam for $44.95 AUD.

To mark this achievement, of course we’ve made a release trailer and its gone live and (although we would say this) it’s really rather good. Check it out here:

If you’ve not come across Floodland before then you’re in for a real treat.

Runaway climate change means the Earth is now ice free – and catastrophic sea level rise has inundated the land, with coastal cities lost to the oceans and the ones inland now a swampy morass of rusting cars and decaying buildings.

It’s in one of these drowned cities that you arrive with your small group of nomads. Your task: rebuilding society from the ground-up.

You do this by exploring the ruins and scouring it for resources, relearning basic agriculture and fishing skills and turning a group of stragglers – living in tents in a swamp – into a thriving town.

After that, you’ll need to establish new buildings (or upgrade existing ones) and researching ‘new’ (or relearning old tech) enabling you to overcome the numerous challenges you face.

But people will be people and the larger your settlement grows – and the more habitants it will have – the higher the chance societal issues will arise, meaning you may well face the same problems the old world had.

The question is, how will you manage your clans; will you unite the remnants of humanity or will you choose division and isolation? Either way, you will shape the society of tomorrow.

About the Author'

While not travelling, reading, gaming, watching films AND writing reviews and articles, Alex loves exploring the shops of Melbourne searching for classic pop culture trinkets.

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