Flaus Electric Starter Kit Review
Summary: An oral hygiene gem at this price, Flaus is a high quality, terrific flossing system well worth the price of admission.
Flaus Heaven
Shockingly, it took this long for a powered flosser to appear…let alone at this price and build quality. Flaus is near-perfect and at a ridiculously affordable price point, making it a must buy for anyone with closely spaced teeth or wanting better tooth hygiene (cough cough) or less needy folk.
If you’re wondering, this is not a gimmick. As someone obsessed with dental cleanliness, I loathe flossing due to said closely spaced teeth, difficulty in using traditional floss, and the Waterpik option is good but does nothing for gums.
The Flaus system isn’t perfect but it’s darn close to it. To begin, at $100US with a floss head subscription…are you kidding me? High end Sonicare (which I possess) are 3-4x the price.
Second, the pictures just don’t do this justice. Flaus has tremendous build quality, with the unit, base, charging system, floss heads, and overall feel highest quality also pretty. I’m assuming Flaus is reducing unit cost to make it up on floss head refills, it’s that well made.
For those into presentation – and supported by provided unboxing photos – this is a beauty to unwrap and setup. Dig the pretty base charging light too. Flaus clearly knows what they’re doing and well, marketing wise. Ooo la la!
Everything on Flaus reeks of high quality. This isn’t light or cheap plastic, and the subtle nuance of base charging lights, power buttons and meters are great. Brush heads are highest quality, and both their patented floss durability and cartridge make are solid. If you’ve bought off brand nonsense on Amazon, heck no here.
The Starter Kit comes with 45 heads, and – not to be gross – these are so durable, I don’t believe they need to be replaced each time.
There’s a disclaimer: heads will break early on, and I get it. Heads are super tight until 2nd or 3rd use, which is why I hesitated on replacement after the maiden voyage. Also, it takes some trial and error to use the bite guard to apply appropriate pressure. Once figured out (it takes minimal effort), the floss mastered my unbelievably tight teeth. Flaus was reaching back areas traditional floss or Waterpik never could.
I can’t vouch for the benefits of the vibrating floss on cleaning comprehensiveness. But said vibration definitely reached places normal flossing couldn’t, and with no irritation or bleeding. Per above, I found initial head use way too tight, but became bearable after 2nd or 3rd use. It hit EVERYTHING by then.
There are oodles of provided instructions on how to properly use the unit, but Flaus is thankfully very intuitive. Different grips, angles, and pressure comes with ease. I can confidently state every user will adjust to this seamlessly.
My criticisms are minimal. I don’t like the initial tightness of the floss, but respect these are not one and done. Second, I thought the replacement floss heads wasteful (while my young son has them, mind you), and I didn’t get the promised email on how to recycle used units. Third, the bite guard requires some comfort and confidence in the unit. Being but a rubber guard in the back of the unit…a leap of faith.
I’ve got porcelain veneers, molars that never left the building, and very tight teeth, and Flaus mastered everything with zero pain. I love how easy this is to use, and – if the vibration bit is as accurate on the Sonicare – big win. I didn’t go hard on gums as I couldn’t ascertain risk: reward, but I’d rather leave that to the Waterpik. Wish list? More floss head diversity. But what they have…works.
Final Thoughts
Flaus is no gimmick. A steal at this price point and does what it promises. A niche product that doesn’t punish this fact in the wallet. Stop dreading dental cleanings, and beat the system for $100US.
Unboxing Photos