Flash Gordon – Jeremy Adams Interview!
We catch up with acclaimed writer Jeremy Adams (Green Lantern, Flashpoint Beyond) to discuss Mad Cave’s soon-to-be-released Flash Gordon Vol. 1. Available in comic stores from January 29, 2025, and in bookstores from February 11, 2025, this volume features stunning illustrations by Will Conrad (Wolverine, Batman), vibrant colors by Lee Loughridge, and dynamic lettering by Taylor Esposito. This series begins with Flash Gordon imprisoned on a hidden planet, where he must execute a daring escape to rescue the woman he loves – Dale Arden.
Welcome to Impulse Gamer, Jeremy, and thanks for joining us!
I am glad to be here!
How did you embark on your writing journey of amazing worlds?
Oh sheesh, that’s a long story. The short answer is, once upon a time in Junior High, I remember writing something that made the whole class laugh. It was, AN INCREDIBLE HIGH haha. I think I’ve been chasing that same feeling ever since.
Growing up, what titles captivated your imagination and why?
In comics? Batman…then X-men…then EVERYTHING. At the same time, I can’t deny the earth shattering effect reading Stephen King had on me, and then Dragonlance Chronicles that sent me spinning down a fantasy jaunt I have yet to return from.
And now?
Hahah. I haven’t changed that much. I am making my way through the Wheel of Time series on the book side, on the comic side, I get the huge advantage of reading not just what’s out, but what my friends are doing. “Kraken” by Shannon Eric Denton comes to mind, and anything by Matt Fraction or Chip Szdarsky. Huge fan of Joshua Williamson and what’s going on in the Superman/Gi joe books. You know…again…EVERYTHING.
How would you describe Flash Gordon?
A good man that does what needs to be done. Right now, in our series, he’s dealing with some ramifications of “Saving Earth” – at what cost? He’s highly moral, and he has the muscles and brains to back that saintly attitude up!
When reflecting on Flash Gordon, what qualities do you believe are his greatest strengths?
I think he can see clearly in a increasingly muddied moral world. He saves when he can save. He stands up for what is right. And if it has to do with the love of his life, Dale, he’ll stop at nothing to make sure she’s okay.
Conversely, what do you consider to be Flash’s most significant flaws?
Not everything can be won with a sword or fist. He should probably employ some second level thinking before jumping into action.
Given Flash Gordon’s rich legacy, how do you balance honoring Alex Raymond’s original creation while crafting a narrative that resonates with contemporary readers?
Honestly, I don’t know. I didn’t want to REBOOT the series, and we haven’t. We’re telling serials that I feel like fall in line with what has gone before. Daring escapes, fights, romance…maybe the vernacular has changed, or there is a LITTLE edge to some of the scenes and themes, but not that much. I really intended to just KEEP going with the vibe of the original that meant so much to so many.
Where does Dale fit into this new adventure?
LOADED QUESTION. That remains to be seen. What we know right now is that Flash believes she’s in danger, but we also know that she’s the EMPRESS (a slightly evil empress) of this confederation of planets from the remnants of a destroyed Mongo…but that is all a mystery.
What central themes can readers expect to encounter in this volume of Flash Gordon?
Swashbuckling adventure. Surprising turns to the mythology. Ming being Ming! Adventure, excitement, you know…THE BEST STUFF IMAGINABLE!
Aside from Flash Gordon, what other characters from this universe do you enjoy writing?
Aura. She’s sly, crafty, a bit lusty. She has the makings of a standout character. I’m also really enjoying the mystery and problems around Zarkov. But probably the top, is MING. He’s always looking for an angle. Conniving. And the kicker is, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT, but he still is able to do what Ming does – BE MERCILESS!
Will Conrad’s artwork wonderfully complements your writing. How did you feel when you first saw your words brought to life through his illustrations?
Well, I’ve worked with Will before and have always loved the way that he brings acting into the art. He also has this great GROUNDED style that can make the most fantastic things feel more realistic. Everytime he illustrates something I’ve done, I am in awe. He truly is a wonderful talent, AND a wonderful person!
Do you have a favorite panel from this volume? What makes it stand out to you?
I think it’s in the 2nd or 3rd issue when we first meet Ming. I was skeptical about making him so ALIEN, but Will drew him in such a way that the first time we see him you just KNOW that he’s the Ming from old.
Besides Flash Gordon, if you could pick any fictitious character, who would it be and why?
Hah. Maybe Robin Hood? I love that archer from Sherwood. The story has stood the test of time and I don’t care how many times they retell it. I’ll always be there to read it or watch it in whatever iteration it maybe.
Lastly, where do you envision Flash Gordon heading in the future?
We have grand plans for Flash in the future. He is trying to save Dale, reestablish his good name, fight off Ming and …well…save the universe!
Thank you for your time, Jeremy, and we wish you an incredible 2025!
Flash Golden Volume 1 Preview
For more information on Flash Gordon, visit Mad Cave Studios at https://madcavestudios.com