Created by Gardner Fox
Name: Nabu the Wise
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 297 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Family: The Lords of Order
Residence: Exiled from Cilia to Earth, now abides in the realm of the Lords of Chaos
Occupation: Former Lord of Order & Mystic Defender of Earth, now a Lord of Chaos
Joined JSA: Founding Member
Joined JLA: Founding Member of New Justice League, 1987
1st Appearance (Golden Age): More Fun Comics #55
Pre-Crisis Fate: Active till Crisis
Current Status: When the Nelsons could no longer be used as a host for Nabu during Zero Hour, the Crisis in Time, Nabu unwillingly passed the helmet, cloak and cloak to Jared Stevens. Banished from the realms of man to the plane of the Lords of Order and Chaos. Once the passing was complete, Nabu was banished from the realms of man, along with all the Lords of Order and Chaos.
During the creation of the universe, two beings came into existence. These beings were the exact opposites of each other and vowed an endless battle on each other. These beings became almost godlike and called themselves the Lords of Order and Lords of Chaos. The Lords of Order left their world of Cilia to create their own planes of existence as did the Lords of Chaos. Earth was once an untamed planet where the Lords of Chaos could spread their influence over mankind. The Lords of Order chose one of their own to be exiled from their realm and become Earth's guardian. The Lord of Order arrived in Ancient Egypt and took the form of man and called himself, Nabu the Wise. He became a servant of Pharaoh and helped battled both the servants of the Lords of Chaos and their masters.
This information is taken from Spectre #14, the issue with Nabu. Nabu served as court magician for the Pharaoh of Egypt. Nabu fought the Spectre (without a human host) two times during this story. The Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew children under the age of five drowned in the Nile. As a result of this the "Wrath of God" (the Spectre) was sent to kill the Pharaoh. Nabu walked into the chamber just as the Pharaoh died. He used some magic blasts on the Spectre, but the Spectre just passed through Nabu (causing him a great deal of pain.)
The second time Nabu fought the Spectre was the night the "Wrath of God" was sent to kill all the first born children of the Egyptians. (About 10 years after the first battle.) Nabu was warned of this by the Phantom Stranger and set out to stop it from happening. He was prepared this time and produced the helm of Nabu for the first time (to my knowledge.) He also wears a impressive-looking chest piece during the whole story, but in conjunction with the helmet it looks really cool. Anyway, "the force of the Spectre represented the force that *created* the Lords of Order-- and could likewise, unmake them." In other words, God created the Lords of Order and since the Spectre is an agent of god he beat Nabu good.
That's about it for Nabu's role in this story. Nabu might have been *in* the Red Sea when it fell back on the Egyptian people, but it didn't show it in the comic.
Doctor Fate's (Nabu's) appearance in Legion of Super-Heroes (synopsis)
This information is taken from Legion of Super-Heroes #19, the issue with Nabu. Nabu helped return Jo to his present time
By Michael Scheu - scheu@ucsub.Colorado.EDU-
Legion of Super-Heroes v.4 #19 - Giffen cover of many many Dark Circles.
Plot:Jo Nah (Ultra Boy) of the Legion is blown 5000 years into the past (~2006 BC) by a bomb exploded by Roxxas. He ends up on Khundia, travels to Rimbor, then to Earth, and crashlands on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt.
- He is observed through a crystal ball by Nabu's servant Marta.
- Nabu notes he will keep an eye on the man.
- Jo finds a hut with fly-ridden corpses.
- A mysterious woman is awakened by the sound of Jo's thoughts.
- A Sad woman runs into Jo and speaks Interlac. She says the villagers killed the people in the hut because they helped her, a "demon". She says she is from Bgztl (where Jo's dead fiancee Phantom Girl came from). Nabu observes this.
- More talk.
- Two months pass. A hut is built and the two move in. The woman's name is noted as Asherya. Nabu continues to observe.
- Nabu and Pharaoh Amen-Em-Het discuss the two. Pharaoh orders them out of Egypt and WHAMMO it's Fate time!
- Nabu (in helmet and Egyptian costume) arrives. Asherya knew he was coming. Nabu names her Hytuurnus. Jo is revealed to be her gateway to the future as she transforms into a Lord of Chaos.
- Asherya transforms back into a woman and flees to Jo. She then transforms again into Phantom Girl and Nabu waxes her.
- Jo is quite bummed. Nabu approaches him, and Jo switches to ultra-speed, charging in rage, but he falls. Nabu leaves.
- The next day, Nabu returns and in an eyeblink returns Jo to 2994.
Note: Due to the events of Zero Hour, this appearance has probably been retconned away, right along with all of Jo's other non-Legion appearances.
After centuries of endless battle, Nabu's human body had become tired and weak. Nabu had Pharaoh build a temple in the valley of Ur so that the long rest could repair his damaged body. In 1922, an archaeologist called Sven Nelson and his son Kent stumbled on the temple. Kent unwillingly released Nabu from his deep sleep. This caused a toxic gas to kill Sven Nelson but Kent was somehow unaffected. Nabu would train the boy to become his host body and 20 years later, they would become Doctor Fate.
During the last series of Fate, Nabu tried to regain the power that he gave to Jared Stevens, in his attempt to regain his former glory, Nabu became more like a Lord of Chaos. Banished from the plane of man again, Nabu was on trial by the Lords of Chaos and Order. Their verdict was that Nabu acted chaotically and was transformed into a Lord of Chaos and was given one final task, to find a replacement for the Lords of Order. Unfortunately, Kent Nelson denied the task of becoming a Lord of Order and Nabu cursed Kent and Inza to walk the earth as uneasy spirits, never finding eternal peace. However the Spectre allowed the Nelsons into heaven where they now await their return to earth. What happened to Nabu after this event is unclear but one day, Nabu shall return.
Nabu was based on the God of Writing and Wisdom. Mesopotamian (Babylonian-Akkadian). The son of Marduk and Zarpanitu(m), his consort is Tasmetu(m). he is symbolized by the inscribing stylus. A major deity in neo-Babylonian times from the eight century BC onward, with an important sanctuary at Borsippa, near Babylon, known as the Ezida. he is considered a god of mountain regions, described as the "firstborn son of Marduk" and his image is closely involved in the new Year akitu festival. Also nebo (Vetus Testamentum)
Powers: Nabu's magical powers are broad but for his powers to work, Nabu needed a host body on Earth to use his powers. When merged with the host body, Nabu becomes Doctor Fate and as capable of almost any feat and was second only to that of the Spectre in powers.
Limitations: Without a host, Nabu cannot visit the earthly plane. However, although Nabu is almost godlike in power, he can be destroyed by a being of equal power or beings greater such as the Spectre.
Golden Age
- More Fun Comics #67 (May 1941)
Silver Age to Modern Age
- All-Star Squadron #47 (Jul 1985)
- Book of Fate #1 (Mar 1997)
- Doctor Fate v1 #1-4 (Jul - Oct 1987)
- Doctor Fate v2 #1-24 (winter 1988/1989 - Jan 1991)
- Fate #0 (Oct 1994)
- Fate #19-22 (May - Aug 1996)
- Justice League of America #95 (Dec 1971)
- Justice League America #27 (Jun 1989)
- Justice League America #29 (Aug 1989)
- Legion of Super-Heroes v4 #19 (Jun 1991)
- Secret Origins v2 #24 (Mar 1988)
- Spectre v3 #14 (Jan 1994)
- Time Masters #6 (Jul 1990)
- DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #9 (Sep/Oct 1980)